The Dark Fiddling Pirate Jussim Profile picture
Academic piracy here. Social science: Substack: Nothing here represents Rutgers.
11 subscribers
Mar 12 10 tweets 3 min read
You are comparing academics to pop-right writers.
A thread of academics on center/center-right/libertarian books that are at least as high quality as left critiques of the right (but beware of rigorous mortis selectivus: No, Virginia, identifying an actual flaw in one of these books does not make it "worse" than the left critiques of the right; that requires a full-on comparison of strengths and weaknesses).
1/nImage @MattPolProf Wonderful new book. Debunks nonsense about a slew of progressive cause celebre's (Trayvon Martin, Amy Cooper, etc.) and "science!" nonsense like implicit bias and stereotype threat. Image
Jan 5, 2024 11 tweets 4 min read
In honor of this stupidity, I thread here an incomplete list of the White administrators and faculty at elite U's that have been forced out for:
1. Ethics violations
2. No ethics violation at all.
🧵 Magill, UPenn Pres, just a month ago.
Bad performance maybe, but no ethics violation.…
Oct 31, 2023 23 tweets 7 min read
Its worth remembering that, whether or not they "defended" firings, they denied that "cancel culture" was a thing and *justified* punishing targets & *implemented* firings, suspensions & retracting papers) with variations of "look how evil that person is."
🧵w/receipts. First, the firings. When possible, I purposely chose some of the most obvious glorification of the firings. Like here:…
Oct 5, 2023 13 tweets 2 min read
Dear Aidan,
Please explain how this ad is NOT in violation of U.S. and Washington DC (where APA, the society sponsoring this journal, is housed) laws prohibiting discrimination based on race.
🧵 ending in END. The ad, shown in full above, includes:
"In service of APA's commitment to EDI... APA Publishing's fellowship program seeks to elevate leadership opportunities for ECP's (early career psychologists) from communities that have been historically underrepresented..." It explains:
Aug 22, 2023 5 tweets 2 min read
Introducing the new Journal of Open Inquiry in the Behavioral Sciences. And we mean "new" not just "another."
1/2 Image Spread the word to those who pub behavioral sciences.
@lakens @CJFerguson1111 @MattGrossmann @JukkaSavo @JonHaidt @peterboghossian @a_m_mastroianni, @RickCarlsson @CHSommers @chrisdc77 @profyancey @ImHardcory @yorl @minzlicht @MarcusCrede @sociologyWV @primalpoly @SteveStuWill Image
Jun 11, 2023 6 tweets 3 min read
Academia continues to embarass itself. Paper retracted for absurd concocted reason (way worse than "technicality").…
From the WSJ article:
"While the respondents consented to the publication of the survey’s results, Springer insists they didn’t specifically agree to publication in a scholarly or peer-reviewed journal. That’s a strange and retrospective requirement"
2/n Image
Jan 1, 2023 21 tweets 27 min read
@AndrewJ73405114 @HonestNauman @Komi_Frey @Stanford If anyone is "looking for" ways to be concerned, they sure don't need to look very hard. Reply 🧵
The initiative clearly is at Stanford & whole pt of "initiative" is to persuade others to adopt, well, what shall we call this? @AndrewJ73405114 @HonestNauman @Komi_Frey @Stanford Steelman: "New norms for inclusive language."
Alternative view: "Language policing."
Why? Because of widespread *enforcement* of these "new norms" through punishments.
Oct 27, 2022 7 tweets 3 min read
Ok, you can't make this up. Apex journal Nature is in free fall. The centerpiece of this article:…
is a cartoon.
Short Thread, 1/n. I started reading it. Early on, it says this:
" many ways, the experience for minoritized scholars is more like a vicious or hostile obstacle course5,6,7,8,9,10"
The #'s, 5-10, are references. So I looked up the first one, "reference" 5 (scare quote justification incoming).
Sep 11, 2022 23 tweets 7 min read
Pirate Strike!
Paper shown JUST accepted at bigtime psych journal (Perspectives on Psych Sci).
On the disingenuousness of "diversity" as deployed in psychology & academia. (who, besides your fav pirate could get such a paper accepted)?
🧵 Paper available here:…
Not gonna summarize; just gonna thread some quotes.
Sep 11, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
If you haven't yet, please consider donating (I have 2x). Like the Oberlin Bake Shop, this is a fight for due process and against public slander.
DK the Oberlin Bake Shop Story?
A few links incoming.🧵 Not the bake shop. The context...…
Jul 3, 2022 26 tweets 11 min read
Dear @KirwanInstitute,
Your 2014 report on implicit bias is a scientific disaster area and plausibly describable as "misinformation." If you do not take it down, it can plausibly be described as "disinformation," given that you have been informed.
A Thread on Academic Misinfo
Kirwan is an institute at Ohio State. Recently received a $500k Macarthur grant (the "genius award" group) for its work on Social Justice.…
Jun 14, 2022 7 tweets 2 min read
Has the culture shifted away from Social Justice Insanity? 3 articles (2 NYTimes).
NYTimes denounces cancel culture but not by name. Caricaturizes wild denunciations of an author's new book as transphobic, racist, etc. as "dystopian."
"The idea that a divorced white woman with two kids, working three jobs, was “privileged” was crass foolishness. The idea that American society was divided between Caucasians and “people of color” was simplistic."
May 20, 2022 12 tweets 5 min read
Breaking News: Arbitrator Decides in Favor of Charles @CharlesNegy, prof fired by UCF late 2020-21.
Thread. 1/n
Shown below, the arbitrator's ultimate ruling: Reinstatement w/tenure, plus full back pay & benefits, since he was fired. What was he fired for? Charges were "unprofessional" behav, but anyone paying attention who wasn't an idiot whose brain was rotted by "anti-racist" intersectional dogma knew it was for WrongSpeech.
Apr 29, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
Sox thread. That's right. Sox. Socks.

I just ordered a set of bright sox for visibility to cars when riding. The question is, was this an intentional political statement by the manufacturer? Def will be the first ones I wear riding. I recently bought my grandkids (ages 5.5 and 2.5) shark sox. These:
Apr 22, 2022 14 tweets 3 min read
Court of Appeals (11th Circuit) rules a suit against U Central Florida for "anti-bias" policies violating students' 1st Amend rights can proceed.…
Some quotes next. "I write separately to underscore the grave peril posed by a policy that effectively polices adherence to intellectual dogma."
"A university that turns itself into an asylum from controversy has ceased to be a university; it has just become an asylum."
Mar 7, 2022 11 tweets 3 min read
Call for Support. You can sign this Open Letter to the Administrative Leadership of UMass/Boston protesting.…
"Under no circumstances can political or ideological activism be the primary purpose of a public university."
Thread, 1/n Boston Globe has an excellent article on this.
(behind paywall OR you can sign in with Facebook).…,
so, its small type but here it is. Read clockwise, starting upper left.
Mar 7, 2022 12 tweets 4 min read
Sometimes, I love revisiting old twitter debates.
"Silencing by the left is largely a myth." A 327-incident myth.
1/n "Silencing by the left is a myth." Not counting the large minority of leftist faculty who endorse *ousting* people they disagree with.
Feb 27, 2022 4 tweets 2 min read
Incurably optimistic thread, with sources, on Ukraine. Yes, everything about is awful and terrible. No, I am not an expert on Ukraine or Russia. Yes, these stories may be BS or propaganda or just wrong. Still.
"After four days of fighting in Ukraine, it’s not going especially well for Russian forces."…
Jan 8, 2022 5 tweets 2 min read
@wil_da_beast630 @rasmansa @trizzlor @Rubicon_Letter @leisetritt Race is a scientific construct, in the sense that it is used by biologists all the time, and is known to play a role in speciation.

Social scientists who claim race is not scientific are ignorant ax-grinders.

@wil_da_beast630 @rasmansa @trizzlor @Rubicon_Letter @leisetritt BUT the ax-grinders are right that when referring to human races, the term has generally been used in biologically meaningless ways, often for racist purposes.
Dec 26, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
How to Detect Political Biased Psych…
Thread Summary.
1/n The field is even more massively left skewed than the nightmares of conservatives would have you believe.
Survey: In 2012, 301/305 social psychologists voted for Obama. Other surveys: @ 40% of social scientists self-identify as radicals, activists, Marxists.
Dec 14, 2021 10 tweets 2 min read
On the Unbearable* Whiteness of Wokeness
by @wil_da_beast630
w/reams of data
*my addition…
thread summary, but you should read the whole thing
1/n… "Eighty-eight percent of Native American Indians, 87 percent of all Hispanics, 82 percent of Asian Americans, and 75 percent of blacks (vs. 79 percent of whites) call political correctness “a problem” for the United States."