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If thy heart fails thee, climb not at all.

May 15, 2021, 6 tweets

As a huge wave of the darkest antisemitic hatred crashes across the land, including calls for the mass murder of Jews, what is the "anti-racist" group "Hope not Hate" really worked up about?

Matthew Parris. 1/6

"Friends of Al Aqsa" is at the heart of the ugly agitation we are seeing, just as it has long been.

It is dedicated to fanatical hatred of Israel and promoting antisemites. Its founder and leader, Ismail Patel, is a fan of Hamas. Up the "anti-racist" street, right?

Oh. 2/6

Indeed, Hamas has built up an extensive UK support network since the 1990s. Journalists have covered it and counter-extremism activists have challenged it for years. It is one of the roots of Labour's ruin.

Going by their website, "Hope not Hate" hasn't even mentioned it. 3/6

The "Palestinian Forum in Britain" is another player behind today's ugly scenes. Israel=Nazis.

It used to bring some of the Middle East's very worst hate preachers to Britain before the Government banned them, with encouragement from activists, including Muslims.

Ah, I see. 4/6

Well, this is an outfit that was "delighted" to appoint Kevin Courtney of the NEU as a patron to its "HOPE Education Fund". One couldn't ask for a better friend for Islamists. He's with them all the way, even in defiance of Birmingham's Labour council. 5/6

If you are seriously concerned about racism in the UK, including antisemitism, know your true allies and your fair weather friends. 6/6

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