Asfandyar Mir Profile picture
Senior expert @USIP. South Asia security issues. Opinions my own.

May 15, 2021, 9 tweets

President Ghani’s Der Spiegel interview focuses on the role of Pakistan, downplays US role. Highlights: 1/n…

Ghani says US will play a minor role, peace or hostility are in Pakistan’s hands.

Ghani on Pakistan’s influence:

Ghani says Bajwa told him that he doesn’t want return of Taliban’s emirate but some in the army hold the opposite view.

Says a security agreement between Afghanistan and Pakistan is key to peace.

Says Western diplomacy should stop coddling the Taliban.

Ghani on corruption in the country:

Says he will release 7000 prisoners if it leads to a comprehensive peace agreement.

Ghani says he reads an hour every day to relax and in youth could memorize 5000 poems. n/n

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