Maj Manik M Jolly,SM Profile picture
Vet-Gorkha,MI. Fellow-@echoinggreen @millersocent @WWF. @IN_MissionInnov ‘19 champion. Global expert @SAIS_ISEP. Ex World Bank,Deloitte. @IndiaSmartGridF winner

May 15, 2021, 9 tweets

Hamas apparently is hoping to overwhelm and saturate #IronDome’s capabilities to intercept and then have a free run for rocket attacks on Israel.
1. Iron dome is meant to intercept small range rockets falling over vital territories. It does not intercept every rocket. The high

quality sensor package with ID picks the the trajectory of rockers coming in and calculates the impact zone. If it isn’t falling over some vital / critical/ inhabited area, ID will not take action.
2. Once the trajectory is identified, and is considered as a valid threat, the ID

will launch an intercepting missile that aims for the incoming rocket. The beauty of this system is that it does not hit the incoming rocket but blasts close to it / them to take out the warhead of the incoming rocket. If it were to hit it and damage only the rear/ motor section,

the warhead would still fall and do the damage.
3. Normally it takes 4 Missiles to intercept an incoming rocket / missile. But ID, due to it functionality over very small ranges, limits it to two.
4. Since there is only as much interception that can happen, the Israeli Air

force goes for raids over enemy territory to take out launcher sites. This prevents overwhelming the IronDome system by endless barrages in huge numbers.
5. Often discussed, why India did not choose to take ID for itself. Firstly, we mostly deal with long range Artillery fire

and missiles. ID is tailored for Israelis’ needs given their limited strategic depth and proximity to enemy firing locations. Secondly, our need for critical cover for exceptional vital zones is not as heavy as Israel. We are a huge country, thus placing our critical and vital

locations way out of enemy direct and small range rocket fire.
6. Most of rockets coming from Gaza are hole made variants that can not only be used to figure out ID’s efficacy but overwhelm it. Such interceptors are a heavy cost to maintain and use. Hamas has this figured out.

And this it’s firing from various locations across the stretch to test the ID’s capability and cover potential. Once and whenever they find the gap, they’ll focus they main fire there. It’s like finding a breach in a wall, in classic tactical scenario.

There seems to be no

break in the violence and it’ll take a while before ceasefire ks achieved. Tonight also we saw drag attacks by Hamas. Israel is determined to wipe out this violence and Centers of attack on their territory. Best wishes to them.

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