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May 16, 2021, 11 tweets

Covid-19 has infected more than 163 million people and claimed at least 3.3 million lives. Here are all virus-related developments for May 16:

Germany reports 8,500 new coronavirus cases, bringing the total to almost 3.6M, as the death toll rises by 71 to 86,096 – RKI

Over 311,000 new daily Covid-19 cases reported in India, bringing the tally to nearly 25M, while deaths rise by over 4,000 to reach 270,284

#Covid19 continues to rage in India with over 4,000 people dying in the last 24 hours

Brazil struggles to cope with its #Covid19 vaccination campaign marred by shortages and delays as cases surge

Turkey's Interior Ministry on Covid-19 normalisation period from May 17 to June 1:

- Weekday curfew from 2100 to 0500
- Weekend curfew from Friday 2100 to Monday 0500
- No curfew for fully vaccinated over 65s and under 18s

Turkey's Interior Ministry on Covid-19 normalisation period:

- Intercity travel allowed
- Only take-away and delivery for restaurants
- Malls and retail stores can open on weekdays
- Sports facilities, cinemas and other public places will remain closed

Italy report 5,753 new cases of Covid-19 and 93 virus-related deaths; first time daily death rate is below 100 since October 23, 2020

Turkey reports 10,512 new cases of Covid-19 and 223 additional deaths. Here are more updates:

Mexico reports 1,233 new Covid-19 cases and 53 deaths in the past 24 hours - official data

Brazil adds 40,941 new Covid-19 cases and 1,036 more fatalities in 24 hours - official data

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