सनातनी राजेश 🚩सनातन धर्म हाच राष्ट्रधर्म 🚩 Profile picture
आसिंधु सिंधु पर्यन्ता यस्य भारतभूमिका ।  पितृभू: पुण्यभूश्चैव स वै हिंदुरिति स्मृत: ॥  Rts are not endorsements

May 16, 2021, 11 tweets

Good Sunday Morning Friends,Today posting a thread dedicated to each & every positive minded twiple.

Lets start with a positive thought "Nation has not Failed"

The nation has immense resilience to fight back.

The cheap & power hungry opposition likes to call it ‘Numbness’.

1) The medical fraternity:- Our front line Army.
No Doctors or Nurses have run away, despite the fact that for nearly two years now, they have not taken leave. They have been in the middle of an unknown, unpredictable virus, risking their own lives!

2) The Police:-
They have been maintaining law and order, trying to infuse a sense of discipline in our heads.They are having a very hard job on their hand but still they keeping vigil in our cities,towns,villages 24X7 for last 2 years.
@drrsda @RajeGhatge_M

3.) The network of institutions:- Institutions like Bharat Biotech,Serum Institute,DRDO have been reseraching tirelessly since outbreak of pandemic.They have collectively developed and approved two vaccines, ramped up production and have already produced more than 17 Cr. Vaccines

4) The Defence Forces:
They have one foot entrenched on the icy heights of Laddakh, facing the Chinese & another in the west, fighting terrorists.Even when their medical resources were stretched, they found time & manpower to add thousands of additional beds,

fly-in & ship-in Medicines & Equipment. Does anyone know if they sleep?

5) The MEA:-Using all the diplomatic goodwill developed over time, they arranged to get help from all the advanced countries.From developed to developing every country has stand with us in this crisis

6) The Indian Industry:- In addition to addressing their stressed businesses, they have donated generously towards their CSR and ramped up Oxygen production to levels that the world is watching with awe!

7) The MSMEs: Are generating oxygen in every nook and corner of the country and donating them for free!
Then there are Class IV employees,Crematorium Staff,Innumerable Indian NGOs
The list is endless

8) Last but not the least NAMO- Our PM is working round the clock,looking into each & every minute aspect in covid management.He has the most arduous task considering our mammoth size & population but still pulling everyone with him, inspiring Indian citizen

The only people who have failed the Nation are the Press (Print & TV Media).They are the most irresponsible component of our society, peddling panic & terror to make profits out of it.
A smile is not news a death is...!
Thousands of Recoveries is not Headline,
ten deaths are...!!

Please spread the Positive Message !
This positivity will only bring down all the negativity in this pandemic

Together, We will win !

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