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May 16, 2021, 15 tweets

I searched the web for the best guerrilla marketing examples.

Here's what I found.

(10 Mind-blowing 😯 examples!!)



Definition first:

Guerrilla marketing is an advertisement strategy in which a company uses surprise and/or unconventional interactions in order to promote a product or service. (Wikipedia)

1. Marketing for King Kong Movie on the beach.

2. Colgate reminded kids to brush their teeth after having ice-creams.

3. AXE deodorants used exit signs to endorse their "AXE EFFECT".

4. IWC watches promoted their watches using strap-handles in buses.

5. Spiderman-2 coming soon, above you.

6. Burn 60, a company that sells weight loss products, very cleverly used string bags for marketing.

7. Tyskie used door handles to market their beer.

8. Dental Implant Insurance ads in bowling alleys

9. Gold's Gym used elevators for marketing.

10. Take a break, have a kitkat :)

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