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May 16, 2021, 7 tweets

Giuliani Pardon Thread 1/

While I am doing Trump self-pardon (so he most def has signed that for himself) many also have been asking about Rudy Colludy. Does Giuliani have a secret pardon?

No. He does not. Let's do this thread once and for all

Giuliani Pardon Thread 2/

Giuliani was BEGGING Trump for a pardon. He never got one. If he had a secret pardon, he would have waived it on the day the FBI raided his office. Why? Because he dealt with the worst scum international thugs, who TRUSTED their alleged attorney of NY

Giuliani Pardon Thread 3/

Had Rudy had a pardon, he would have waived it to keep his legal offices clean. Now Giuliani's legal career has effectively ended. NOBODY can ever trust Rudy as a lawyer, because the Feds have raided his office.

Giuliani Pardon Thread 4/

Trump WANTED to pardon Rudy. He asked about it from all his legal advisors. They all told Trump NOT to do it. They ALL said so. And Trump kept asking. And they gave him ALL the same answer. Christie, Barr, McGahn, Linsdey Graham, Ted Cruz. ALL said same

Giuliani Pardon Thread 5/

This is the WHY.

A pardon is a legal admission of guilt. If pardoned, you cannot plead the 5th Amendment, as protection against self-incrimination. You MUST answer in court (or go to jail until you agree to answer)

Giuliani Pardon Thread 6/

Because Trump and Rudy committed crimes TOGETHER, if Rudy is pardoned, he HAS to testify against Trump. Rudy walks - and TRUMP DOES THE TIME - for that SAME CRIME. Like say Ukraine (Lev Parnas has the evidence..)

Giuliani Pardon Thread 7/

Donald Trump WANTED to pardon Buttdial McRudypants. Rudy BEGGED for the pardon. He even THREATENED Trump.

But Trump could not do it, because then Rudy testifies against Trump. His hands were tied :-)

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