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May 16, 2021, 21 tweets

Bishop @silviojbaez addresses one of the most misunderstood and misinterpreted passages in St Mark's Gospel in today's homily, Mk 16:17-18. Let's take a look at his commentary in this thread.
Photo: Snake-handling church (1946) Harlan County, Kentucky (Wikimedia)

"These signs will accompany those who believe: In my name they will drive out demons; they will speak in new tongues; they will pick up snakes; if they should drink anything deadly, it will not harm them; they will lay hands on the sick & they will get well" (Mk 16:17-18)

Bishop @silviojbaez who is a scripture scholar and former professor of sacred scripture, sheds like on Mark 16:17-18. "The language is somewhat archaic and symbolic," he says, "but it is worth deciphering." This is an effort "to permeate creation with the gospel."

Bishop @silviojbaez preaching: "In their effort to permeate creation with the gospel, first of all, the disciples will "cast out demons" in Jesus' name. Not by their strength and human abilities, but through the power of Jesus...."

"...The most effective exorcism is to live the gospel," Bishop @silviojbaez says. "Each one of us, living the gospel, will remove evil's power and make it turn back and retreat until it is eradicated from life and history." We're continuing his commentary on Mark 16:17-18

Bishop @silviojbaez continues: "By our witness and our prayers we will drive out the most terrible demons that lie in wait for us, the demon of lies and selfishness, the demon of violence and power. Let’s not be discouraged. Evil doesn’t have the last word..."

Bishop @silviojbaez is commenting on Mk 16:17-18; he moves next to vs. 17 where "believers will 'speak in new tongues'. As happened at Pentecost, the Church, filled with the Holy Spirit, is called to speak the languages of all peoples & cultures (cf. Acts 2:1-14)...."

"...But this isn’t enough; as St. Paul says, "If I speak human or angelic tongues but do not have love, I am a noisy gong or a clanging cymbal" (1 Cor 13:1). For this reason, today we urgently need to learn the language of solidarity, respect & compassion..."

"...We must eradicate verbal attacks, words that wound, offensive remarks & denigrating gossip. If we want a new society, let's begin by learning 'new languages' that make it possible for us to draw closer together, promote interaction & seek the common good."

Next, Bishop @silviojbaez comments on Mark 16:18: "they will pick up snakes; if they should drink anything deadly, it will not harm them" because the Lord will protect them. "St. Paul was unharmed after he was bitten by a viper on the island of Malta" (Ac 28:3-6)...

Commenting on today's culture: "There are insidious snakes & deadly poisons that are even more dangerous. By being faithful to the Lord, leaning on him, there will be no seduction to turn us away from the truth & cause our hearts to become dark & hardened..."

Bishop @silviojbaez preaching: "Let's ask the Lord to deliver us from the poison of the 'four deadly I's': indifference, intolerance, ideology, and idolatry. These are poisons that can kill freedom and truth within us and rob us of generosity and joy..."

Bishop @silviojbaez concludes by commenting on the mission of Christ's disciples to go forth and heal (Mk 16:18): "believers 'will lay hands on the sick, and they will get well.' Just as Jesus did. An essential part of our mission is to heal the world — to heal life..."

Our healing mission reaches "...not only individual persons but society as a whole. By praying and witnessing to Jesus, we can heal the world. People who are sick, who suffer in their bodies from some ailment, should always be at the center of our hearts..."

Bishop @silviojbaez continues, examining the broader scope of our healing mission: "We also must commit ourselves to the healing of our sick society. We must promote a healthier coexistence among people, spreading the desire to serve without self-seeking..."

"...promoting greater respect & understanding among all and offering forgiveness to people mired in moral failure and brokenness within themselves." Bishop @silviojbaez continued, "we must collaborate to heal the structures of society, condemning evil in all its forms..."

Bishop @silviojbaez urges: "We must liberate ourselves from the temptation to sell off our conscience for money, not being complicit in corruption, to work for the best interests of the poor, and to promote social justice."

Is this mission impossible? Bishop @silviojbaez offers a word of encouragement: "In the dark nights of our mission, Jesus shines as a gentle light that enlightens and consoles us; in loneliness and failure he reveals himself close by as a loving presence that gives hope"

" weakness and persecution, he strengthens us with his love so that we don’t lose heart, whispering to us in the depths of our souls: Courage! 'I am with you always, to the end of the age' (Mt 28:20)."
Bishop @silviojbaez
#Ascension2021 #Gospel

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