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May 16, 2021, 5 tweets

Do you know what ingredients are in a vaccine?
👉 most importantly: antigens! They’re active ingredient that cause an immune response in your body.

Learn more about these ingredients 👉 #COVID19

Do you know how antigens work?
👉 an antigen is the active ingredient in a vaccine!

Learn more in under 30 seconds, watch the video 👇


Do you know how vaccines are tested?
👉 Before a vaccine is made available, it must be carefully tested. #COVID19

Learn more in under 30 seconds, watch the video 👇

Once vaccine trials are complete…
👉 each country reviews the data and decides whether to approve the vaccine for use. It then continues to be monitored for safety and effectiveness.

Learn more 👉 #COVID19

Are you wondering how #COVID19 vaccines have been developed and approved so quickly?

Learn all about it in just over seconds, watch this video 👇

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