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May 17, 2021, 14 tweets

It's a new week and a pleasant rainy morning here in Mumbai!
Grab some tea/ coffee as we share some snippets and readings from the week gone by that we found interesting.

1. Interesting slide from CRISIL that depicts the trend of raw material cost inflation across industries and their ability to pass on the cost to end user (pricing power).


2. General and health insurance companies are seeing a major spike in Insurance claims as a result of larger than anticipated second wave.
Source: Business Standard


3. Copper is being hailed as the new Oil as the world prepares to shift to a greener economy. We found this explainer helpful on this huge global trend.

Bonus: List of Top 18 copper companies in India (alphabetically) - not an investment advice.


4. Truck rentals have fallen another 5-7% in first half of May, indicating cues of a fresh slowdown to the ailing economy. However, not all is gloomy as power consumption grew 19% in the same period!


5. Interesting viewpoint on Cryptocurrency in a recent note by Sundaram MF. They seem less critical of Bitcoin's prospects as "Digital gold" compared to government machinery.


6. Latest data on brokerages by Spark Capital that captures market share trends (cumulative and incremental) across discount brokerages, bank based brokerages and traditional brokers.


7. AMC industry:

Favorable commentary on the outlook of Asset Management business by UTI AMC management at Centrum Capital's Small and Midcap conference.

8. Company specific:

Optimistic outlook on #AegisLogistics by Edelweiss, expecting 32% PAT CAGR over next 3 years.

9. Select smallcap result highlights:
👗AYM Syntex
🐑DCM Nouvelle
🌱Jayant Agro-Organics
🕵️Quick Heal Technologies

Note: Not investment advice

10. Some good reading/ talk links:

A. Q&A session from Stan Druckenmiller on current state of markets, finding more short opportunities, SPACs and what’s wrong with them, cryptocurrency, etc.

11. Conversation with Manish Chokhani (ENAM), moderated by Navneet Munot (HDFC AMC). This talk is strewn with learning nuggets. Recommended!


That's it for now folks.

If you are looking for more reading links, Please check #MultipieWeekly from last week:

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