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Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 17, 2021, 5 tweets

Briefly about Justices Kennedy and Kavanaugh

Trump forced Kennedy to retire early. It is very likely extortion, very likely linked to Kennedy's son who worked at Deutsche Bank approving Trump's loans worth around $300 million, backed by Vladimir Putin (likely money laundering)

Trump replaced Kennedy with Justice Kavanaugh. His financial situation had miraculous improvements (likely not directly Trump but rather rich Republican donors who wanted to own a SCOTUS Justice). But Trump very likely demanded a BRIBE to appoint Kava. Like Gov Blagojevich tried

Extortion and bribes are difficult to prove

Trump used extortion REGULARLY (and we saw him do it with Ukraine, Impeachment 1)

He also demanded bribes for his appointments (Ambassador to EU who testified in Impeachment 1 admitted to paying $1 million to get his job)

If anyone has blackmailed, extorted a federal judge, that person goes to prison for at least a decade. Even more if it were to be a SCOTUS Justice. Kennedy? May be hard to prove but if happened, there will be some who knew, & some of those may want to plea bargain that knowledge

If someone has taken bribes to sell government appointments, that person goes to prison for at least a decade (See Governor Blagojevich, who 'coincidentally' was pardoned by Trump, haha)

If Trump took a bribe for the Kava seat... there will be receipts... and it WILL come out

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