Gurleen Kaur, MD Profile picture
Cardiology Fellow @BrighamFellows via @BrighamMedRes & @AlbanyMed | Academy APD @CardioNerds

May 17, 2021, 8 tweets

Essentials of Stable Ischemic Heart Disease

♦️Plaque Characteristics & Progression
♦️Choosing From Imaging Toolbox
♦️Perils of Polypharmacy
♦️Who & When To Revascularize
♦️Overview of Guidelines

🧵on this great @ACCinTouch session from today #ACC21 #ACCMedStudent

1/Plaque Progression #ACC21

Non-atherosclerotic intimal lesions➡️progressive atheroscl. lesions (fibroatheroma)➡️lesions w/ acute thrombi

Plaque rupture = lesion growth
Lumen area maintained till 40% narrowing
Narrowing beyond 40% occurs w/ plaque rupture+intraplaque hemorrhage

2/Plaque Characteristics #ACC21

Coronary artery calcification begins as micro-calcification➡️fragment➡️sheet➡️nodular

Stable plaque?
🔸Associated with DM, HTN, smoking
🔸Most common is fibrocalcific plaque (mostly sheet Ca)

Unstable plaque is mostly fragmented Ca

3/Imaging in SIHD #ACC21

Guided by pre-test risk score
-Diamond-Forrester overestimates disease
-CAD consortium more aligned w/ prevalence of obstructive CAD

Low risk➡️defer testing or stress ECG
Intermediate risk:
Anatomic-CCTA, FFR CT
Functional-stress echo/CMR, SPECT/PET MPI

4/ CCTA-📈neg predictive value, limited specificity
FFR CT-functional assessment,🚫efficient

Stress Echo-widely available, higher event rate in normal studies
SPECT- ischemia/infarct quant

🚫widely available:
Stress CMR-high resolution scar assessment
PET-superior dx accuracy

5/Polypharmacy #ACC21

Guidelines recommend many meds
Risk of adverse drug events📈w/ more meds

Approach to prioritizing pills
♦️Reduce mortality (vs. softer composite endpoints)
♦️Greater absolute reductions/lower NNT (vs. RRR)
♦️One a day dosing
♦️Consolidate whenever possible

6/Revascularization #ACC21

COURAGE, BARI2D, and FAME2:🚫benefit (death/MI) w/ revasc in angiographically selected pts w/ chronic stable angina
🌟Benefit noted in higher-risk pts

ISCHEMIA: no benefit w/ revasc for CV outcomes, but 📈QOL in pts w/ frequent angina at baseline

7/ Guidelines #ACC21

ACC/AHA guidelines are from 2012
2019 ESC⤵️6 step approach
-New focus on process of chronic coronary syndrome instead of stable CAD
-Emphasis on anatomic over functional imaging (CCTA as initial test for diagnosing CAD, but functional can further guide)

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