TheValuesVoter (Also on Threads and BlueSky) Profile picture
Love God and Human Life at all stages, Pro-life. Anti-racist. Fact Checker. List Maker. Unless it aligns with God’s Word or data, don’t believe it. #TrumpLost

May 17, 2021, 13 tweets

So because Trump's lies about the election have torn at the faith in the foundation of our Republic, I've made it my business to debunk his silly lies. Because he won't stop lying, I won't stop highlighting different aspects of the fact that he lies and that he lost.

And so ...

There are 10 states in which Trump got the lowest margins of any Republican Presidential candidate since at least the 2000 election. Meaning, he either won by the barest margin of any Republican. Or he lost worse than any Republican in that time period.

3 of these 10 states are states that Trump won in spite of the fact that he won them by slimmer margins than any other Republican in a good long time. 7 of them are blue states. Including states that he contested were supposedly "rigged."

So look at these graphs.

States that Trump won in 2020 but in which he won by the slimmest margin of any Republican since your cell phone was the size of your laptop ...

Alaska. Trump won Alaska in 2020. But the last time a Republican won it by a smaller margin was back in 1992.


Trump won Kansas in 2020. But the last time a Republican won Kansas by a slimmer margin than Trump won it last year was back in 1992. One county in Kansas, Riley County, went blue for the first time in its entire existence last November.


Trump won Texas by the barest margin since Bob Dole in the 1996 election.

Now for the states that Trump lost worse than any Republican in a while. In some cases, a long, long while ...


Trump was the first Republican to lose Arizona since the 1996 election. No bamboo was discovered during the researching of this fact.


Colorado USED to be a solidly red state not that long ago. It's stayed blue since the 2008 election. And Trump lost the state worse than any Republican since Barry Goldwater in 1964.


Trump raised a fit (and most likely committed a crime by asking Secretary of State Raffensperger to "find" votes) about Georgia. He was the first Republican to lose the state since the 1992 Election. But it's clearly not just Georgia that is the problem for him.


Maryland has been solid blue since the 1992 election. But still, this is ridiculous. Trump did worse in Maryland than any Republican Presidential candidate since the 1868 election. No typo. EIGHTEEN sixty-eight. People talked about Lincoln then like "yeah, I met him."


Trump lost MA by a larger margin than any Republican since Goldwater in 1964. Now people in Mass might have disliked the Bushes. But NOTHING like as much as they grew to dislike Trump.


Former solidly red state which went blue in 2008 and never flipped red again. You have to go all the way back to 1942 to find a Republican who lost Virginia worse than Trump did in 2020.

Irony: Trump hadn't even been born yet.

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