TheValuesVoter (Also on Threads and BlueSky) Profile picture
Love God and Human Life at all stages, Pro-life. Anti-racist. Fact Checker. List Maker. Unless it aligns with God’s Word or data, don’t believe it. #TrumpLost
Antone Johnson • @antonej or @antone everywhere 👋 Profile picture Adam Smithee Profile picture Sue Strong 🇺🇦 Profile picture Scott Phillips Profile picture Mark Helms Profile picture 9 subscribed
Jul 7 14 tweets 2 min read
Suppose that Kamala Harris were to became the nominee.

Let me tell you exactly how that would play out. If it happens, let’s review this thread in a few months to see if I called it right. In the same way that a canine absolutely cannot resist the smell of chicken, the bastardized mixture of white grievance and overgrown brattiness that makes up the most vocal and energized faction of “conservative” leadership cannot help but attack black women. It’s instinctive.
Jul 1 21 tweets 8 min read
7 of the 9 U.S. Supreme Court Justices Would Not Be on the Court if:

Presidential Elections in 3 or fewer states decided by less than 3% had gone the other way


If U.S. Senate Elections in 3 or fewer states decided by less than 3% had gone the other way.

Vote! Image Here's how YOUR votes, just regular people deciding to vote or not vote in Presidential and U.S. Senate elections, affects who gets onto the Supreme Court for life.

Where they no longer have to answer to anybody and make decisions about all of our lives. Image
Jun 26 4 tweets 1 min read
Both major political parties have l extreme factions.

I find the Democratic fringe more annoying than scary since they don’t tend to be planning a civil war.

I find the Republican fringe frightening because they seem to be daydreaming about it.

But there’s another difference. The farthest-left Democrats do not control their party. There have been countless examples over the last few years of a more left-leaning Democrat losing a PRIMARY to a more moderate Democrat.

Ilhan Omar nearly lost the Democratic Primary in Minnesota in 2022.
Jun 25 8 tweets 2 min read
The Presidential Election, like every other election, is a job interview. We're down to two candidates, exactly one of whom is going to get the job next January.

Let's look at the candidates on paper.

Age/Medical Information: Image Criminal History: Image
Jun 12 10 tweets 4 min read
If you look at public polling, the approval ratings for the U.S. Supreme Court have fallen by about 26 points or so in the last three years. A lot of people disapprove of the Court today.

But they don't understand how their own votes in elections shapes the Supreme Court. Image In the most significant example, the decisions of voters in just three states in the 2016 Presidential Election effectively determined the composition for one-third of the Supreme Court.

Another election in which many people disliked both candidates. And many didn't vote. Image
Jun 11 9 tweets 2 min read
The reason why some people think of Trump as some sort of powerful he-man, which he’s absolutely not, is because many people can’t tell the difference between macho performative crap and actually being a strong, solid man. Trump is the guy who will flex for the cameras, growl at WWE matches and do all the things that middle school boys who are trying to prove to everyone else that they’re tough do. That’s why he does well with folks who gravitate to hype and showmanship.
Jun 3 4 tweets 1 min read
So that bogus "weaponization of justice" charge that the Republicans have been making about Trump's trials can easily be turned around.

Hunter Biden is now on federal trial for lying on a gun form in 2018 or so. It's a charge which non-violent criminals are rarely charged for. And, guess what? The trial is occurring DURING AN ELECTION YEAR. And it was urged on by Congressional Republicans who certainly applied public pressure on the Republican Special Prosecutor and who have spent many days during the 118th Congress investigating Hunter Biden.
Jun 1 7 tweets 1 min read
YouGov Poll: “Do you approve or disapprove of the jury's verdict against Trump?”

All adults:
47% approve
34% disapprove… YouGov Poll: “Do you approve or disapprove of the jury's verdict against Trump?”

People living in the Northeast:
54% approve
28% disapprove

People living in the Midwest:
48% approve
37% disapprove

People living in the South:
42% approve
38% disapprove
May 23 5 tweets 1 min read
Many “Christian” politicians ignore Rev 21:8. Why?

“But the cowardly, the unbelieving, the vile, the murderers, the sexually immoral, those who practice magic arts, the idolaters and all liars—they will be consigned to the fiery lake of burning sulfur. This is the second death.” The verse starts out with a scary prophesy about the fate of the cowardly.

And it ends with a scary prophesy about the fate of all liars.

It also condemns idolaters.
May 19 10 tweets 2 min read
I remain convinced that one of the reason a lot of people who most view Republican Party membership as integral part of their identity cannot bring themselves to admit that Biden and Trump are not equally flawed individuals is because to do so would introduce a personal crisis. It’s hard enough to exist in a social bubble in which everyone around you is MAGA or MAGA-amenable and to say you don’t like Trump.

Those of you who live in towns, go to churches and work at jobs in which not liking Trump is a strike against you know what I’m saying.
Apr 20 11 tweets 2 min read
I urge people to take note of those in Congress who vote against aid to Ukraine. And vow to never vote for them again under any circumstances.

Vladimir Putin invaded a sovereign country for no reason. Killed innocent civilians. Kidnapped children. His soldiers raped women. Some Christians have been deeply deluded into believing that Vladimir Putin “shares our values” in some way or had good motives. He is a MURDERER! And a THIEF! If you think he shares your Christian values, it’s really time to evaluate where your relationship with the Lord is.
Mar 29 18 tweets 3 min read
Today is the day that we commemorate the day on which Jesus the Christ, God the Son, who took on human flesh and lived a perfect human life, willingly died in our place and took the ultimate punishment for our sins.

And then this happened. “And when Jesus had cried out again in a loud voice, he gave up his spirit.

At that moment the curtain of the temple was torn in two from top to bottom. The earth shook, the rocks split and the tombs broke open. The bodies of many holy people who had died were raised to life.
Mar 7 10 tweets 2 min read
I don’t get how some people feel as devoted to their political party as we’re supposed to about more important things.

You divorced your wife.
Stopped speaking to your dad.
Cut off your best friend.

But you just can’t bring yourself to cast one vote for the other party! I understand a little bit - far less than the struggle that some of my friends have had or are having.

I’m pro-life and though I always had a problem with Trump, I also had an issue with Democrats. Would not vote for them for any office.

And then came two years of Trump.
Mar 6 10 tweets 4 min read
Joe Biden has a long list of accomplishments in office and I'm going to spend some time comparing his versus the other recent presidents. Because that's a hobby of mine.

But you also have to take a look at what he inherited. Versus what Trump inherited. Very different. Image Of all the Presidential terms that began during the last 30 years, Biden started his term with the second shortest time since the last recession (Obama inherited one).

And Trump started his with the second longest time since the last recession. A relative cakewalk. Good times. Image
Mar 2 15 tweets 5 min read
A lot of Americans today disapprove of the United States Supreme Court. It may be because they disagree with certain SCOTUS decisions, because they think some Justices may be corrupt or because they think the Court is taking sides in American elections.

What can you do? Vote! Image The average person has no idea how much a few votes here and there by regular citizens has shaped the composition and the direction of the Court. But it has.

Do you realize how different the Court might be today if more of us voted in Presidential and Senate elections? Image
Feb 24 9 tweets 2 min read
All of us, no matter what color we are or where our ancestors came from, are biological brothers and sisters. We all ultimately came from a common set of parents. And most of us want to get along with each other.

But you know who doesn’t want us to get along? There are some hard core racists out there as well as some softer core racists. But they’re not the reason why we seem to be sliding backwards in a lot of ways. There have always been people like that. They just sometimes have been quieter than they are now.
Feb 18 9 tweets 2 min read
There are a lot of Republicans and conservatives who have huge problems with Donald Trump and his immorality, his criminal behavior, his love of dictators like Putin and Kim Jong Un and his disrespect of our military.

Many don’t want him to be POTUS again.

But … As much as they say they don’t want him and even are repulsed by him, many are not willing to do the one thing that would definitely keep Donald Trump from being President again.

Which is voting for Joe Biden.

It’s not that deep.
Feb 10 6 tweets 2 min read
Because Trump does so many bad things that nobody can remember them all, allowing people to forget about them and summarize everything he does as "mean tweets," here's an updated list of some of the things he did in just the last 15 months. Image Image
Feb 3 10 tweets 2 min read
The Race Grifter Market:

Not everybody who says very racist things actually believes them. Many do. But there are also quite a few, both now and over the course of history, who say it to get money and get votes. Racism sells. Always has. George Wallace, most famous for his “Segregation Now, Segregation Forever!” speech, was actually known to be very polite and respectful to NAACP lawyers in Alabama in the late 1950s. He was considered a moderate on racial issues.

And then he lost an election.
Jan 18 7 tweets 2 min read
A simple question to the many (mostly) Republican politicians who struggle to speak honestly about the ugly parts of American history or try to rewrite it:

My great-great grandad was enslaved.
My great-granddad was disenfranchised.

… My granddad and dad were made to go to segregated schools.

My dad, by company policy, wasn’t paid as much as his white colleagues and could only pick his shifts and vacations after they picked theirs first.

If I know the history of America and love it anyway, why can’t you?
Jan 2 4 tweets 2 min read
In the last 75 years, 6 of the 8 Democratic Presidential terms ended with a U.S. Unemployment rate LOWER than it had been on Inauguration Day.

And 8 of the 10 Republican Presidential terms ended with a U.S unemployment rate HIGHER than it had been on Inauguration Day. Image And since the end of the Great Depression, only 3 of the 11 Democratic Presidential terms had a U.S. economic recession begin during the four-year term.

But 9 of the 10 Republican Presidential terms had a U.S. economic recession begin during the four-year term. Image