Blake Emal Profile picture
I write your copy — you get more conversions | Founder @trypagetear | 1x CMO, 2x Head of Content

May 17, 2021, 19 tweets

I've gotten 5M impressions and 10K+ retweets on my threads the past 3 weeks.

Wanna know how I make them?

Here's the full 15-step process:

1. Find a great idea.

Here are a couple of ways to come up with great ideas:

∙ Look at old tweets
∙ Ask your audience
∙ Conjugate content from others

I give a few more in this thread:

How to recognize a great thread idea:

∙ It encourages conversation
∙ It answers a specific question
∙ The idea comes with a clear format
∙ Your audience wants to know the answer
∙ It does deep in one topic, not shallow in 7

2. Pass the Specific Question test.

This one's simple.

Every thread needs to answer only one specific question.

Each tweet in the thread needs to contribute clearly and directly to that goal.

If your idea passes this filter, move on to Step 3.

3. Create an outline.

Most content fails because it isn't well organized.

The order of your thoughts matters.

Here is the roadmap to organize your ideas:

∙ Write down the question to answer
∙ Make bullet points for each core point
∙ Pick an easy format to follow

4. Layout your thread format.

Here are some great formats to use:

∙ NCE (Name, Context, Example)
∙ Step by Step walkthroughs
∙ Story mode

5. Research and find examples.

You have your topic, supporting points, and format.

Now, do research and find examples to back up your arguments.

Tools I use:

∙ Twitter Advanced Search (for tweets)
∙ Reddit (for audience inputs and memes)
∙ My ever-growing swipe file

6. Batch section creation.

The key to it all.

Make longer threads by batching sections together.

Split each part of the format into a batch of content creation.

Here's an example:

Doing a thread about the best Twitter accounts to follow?

∙ Compile list of all accounts you'll feature
∙ Compile their URLs or handles
∙ Write all descriptions of what they tweet
∙ Search and add examples for each account

7. Make images.

Visuals help elaborate on your points.

Don't just add images out of obligation.

Add them when they give further context.

Tools I use:

∙ Canva (for basic creation)
∙ Figma (for drop shadows and mockups)
∙ Brandbird (for consistent Twitter images)

8. Write a great first tweet.

Your thread will flop if the hook sucks.

It's not fair, but it's true.

What makes a good first tweet?

∙ Draws attention
∙ Stirs up emotion
∙ Includes numbers
∙ Short and punchy format
∙ Sells benefits, not features

9. Write a final CTA tweet.

Some quick tips on this one:

∙ Thank your community
∙ Ask them to retweet
∙ Ask them to follow you
∙ Include a giveaway for more RTs if possible

10. Put all content into Typefully.

Or whatever thread scheduler you use.

Try to have everything completely written before this stage.

Triple check for typos and QA your format.

11. Schedule the thread for the evenings.

Evenings work great for threads because they need time to capture momentum.

I post mine around 6:00pm MT.

The thread continues gaining momentum as I sleep.

There is no one time that works.

Try mornings, weekends, whatever!

12. Share the thread with 3-5 relevant people in DMs.

The post goes live.

The work doesn't stop there.

∙ Hand-pick 3-5 accounts
∙ DM & ask for their thoughts on the thread
∙ Do not pressure them to RT
∙ You can also have your mom RT :)

13. Respond to all comments.

Momentum is key to threads.

Get some love from the algorithm by engaging with comments ASAP.

Every time you get a new comment, reply!

Only getting a few likes?

DM the likers and thank them!

Build goodwill.


14. Retweet yourself after 3 hours.

Not everyone is online at the same time.

Here's a quick retweet strategy:

∙ 3 hours into posting, retweet the first tweet
∙ Undo retweet in the morning
∙ Retweet again

15. Post Mortem.

24 hours after posting, dissect the thread:

∙ What went better than expected?
∙ What didn't go so well?
∙ How effective was the hook?
∙ What middle tweets got the most likes?
∙ How many DMs did I get about this?
∙ Did this result in new followers?

That's the whole process, folks!

Did you like this thread?

1. Retweet the 1st tweet above
2. Follow me @heyblake

One random retweeter will get 1 year FREE of @copy_ai 👀

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