Blake Emal Profile picture
I deliver fresh, high-converting copy every 48 hours for SaaS teams
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Apr 13, 2022 14 tweets 5 min read
Good landing pages make hundreds.

Great landing pages make millions.

Here are the 8 pillars every page needs to be great (plus a prize at the end): - Intro -

To start, the difference between a 1% and 2% conversion rate (CVR) could mean millions of dollars.

Landing page optimization is one of the highest ROI tactics in your tool belt.

But none of it will work without these 8 key elements. Image
Jan 27, 2022 8 tweets 3 min read
I had almost no followers 1.5 years ago.

Since then:

• 75k+ followers
• 50M+ impressions
• 4x income increase

How did I get the first 5k followers?

The simple process I used: 1. Gather 10 topics to tweet about

Consider that quantity can lead to quality over time.

You'll never know what works until you try multiple things.

Pick your own 10 topics and commit to creating content around each daily.

Dec 14, 2021 19 tweets 9 min read
Landing page not converting?

I’ve spent 7 years earning learnings to help pages perform.

THREAD 🧵 17 pro tips to take your landing page from 0 to sales. Tip: Pick your dream outcome before anything

What are you hoping the customer will do? What metrics determine success? Knowing this means you know what the page needs to be.
Dec 13, 2021 12 tweets 5 min read
Millions talk about building something.

Less than 1% actually do.

Here is a golden list of 10 creators that build often and share tons of value: Michelle Marcelline (@michwirantono)


A no-code app called Typedream.

What you’ll learn:

- How to use no code to build things
- Insights on Y Combinator
- How to get interested and started in Web 3
Dec 10, 2021 20 tweets 4 min read
I knew nothing about marketing when I started my career.

Since, I've accelerated my learning like crazy and taken tons of notes.

🧵 18 hard-earned marketing lessons: It's all about the hook:

If you can't write a great first line, you'll never get a reader to the second.

The hook of anything you write (ad, email, website, whatever) dictates the potential success of the campaign.

Learn to write a great hook, and you'll never go hungry again.
Dec 9, 2021 12 tweets 3 min read
I was stuck on 700 followers for 6 years.

Then I changed up my plan completely.

Now? I've grown by 65,000 followers in just one year.

Here are 38 Twitter tips that can help you do the same: You'll get pro tips in the following areas:

- Bio
- Banner
- Location
- Content Feed
- Content Buckets
- Content Frequency
- Engagement Strategy
Sep 20, 2021 14 tweets 6 min read
Don’t just follow popular accounts.

Follow valuable accounts.

Smaller accounts OFTEN out-content much bigger accounts.

Here are 11 to watch: Person: @adamilenich

What they teach:
social media, Twitter, writing with a twist of fun
Sep 15, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
Coming up with content is hard.

And yet in one year I've:
• Tweeted 11k times
• Built out 4 courses
• Written 30+ threads
• Recorded 75+ podcasts


🧵 11 frameworks to come up with unlimited content ideas: 1. Content Matrix

Let's start with a powerful one. Mix and match across key inputs.

The process:

• Open a sheet
• 1 column for potential audiences
• 1 column for topics
• 1 column for medium
• 1 column for angles
• Cross-pollinate columns
• Pick ideas
Sep 13, 2021 14 tweets 5 min read
Great writing makes millions.

OK writing makes nothing.

Here are 11 copywriting frameworks to help you sell your ideas: Before – After – Bridge

How it works:

Identify the current problem. Imagine a world where the problem has been solved. Write the step by step for how to get to that solution.

Where it's most effective:

Product copy

Sep 8, 2021 30 tweets 5 min read
I had dinner with the cofounder of @Pixar.

Those 2 hours taught me more than 10 years of reading business books.

THREAD: 28 business lessons from @edcatmull: 1. Be opinionated

This does not mean to be egotistical. Simply have opinions and be willing to share them and make tough decisions.
Aug 9, 2021 20 tweets 3 min read
You’re not paid based on how hard you work.

You’re paid based on how hard you are to replace.

I went from 0 to CMO in 7 years.

THREAD: 18 lessons to become indispensable at work. Create order when you find chaos

- Be a calming presence
- Build repeatable systems
- Don't seek drama, seek structure
Jul 13, 2021 25 tweets 8 min read
Bad hooks kill great content.

I studied 100s of threads to find hook formulas that win.

Here are 22: Bring the truth to light

Tell me why my worldview is flawed or why it can be improved. Make me think from a different perspective.
Jul 8, 2021 23 tweets 12 min read
56% of all web visits happen on a phone.

I studied 100s of mobile landing pages and found 21 golden tips.

Read to get more conversions: Tip:
Make everything easily clickable

Reachability is a huge problem on mobile. If your items are all in the middle, or all too far to the left, it can be harder to click them. Make it easy to take action.

Jul 7, 2021 15 tweets 3 min read
Mastering Twitter is hard work.

So I made it a bit easier.

Here are 13 advanced tips for using Twitter so you can 10x your growth: Tip:
Measure success on engaging with other accounts

Use Advanced Search to see your interactions w/ another account.

Measure the quality of your responses, whether you were replied to, likes, etc to determine efficacy.

(from:heyblake) (to:naval)
Jul 5, 2021 13 tweets 5 min read
90% of startups fail.

So how can you make your customers love you so much that you couldn't fail if you tried?

Answer: create atomic habits.

Here are 10 lessons from Atomic Habits by @jamesclear to grow your startup: 1. Focus on tactics that compound

Create extreme focus around high-leverage areas and go all in.


- Improving conversion rates
- Increasing customer retention
- Building a phenomenal community
Jun 21, 2021 10 tweets 4 min read
You're not using one of Twitter's killer features for growth.

You need a Twitter SEO strategy.

Here are 7 steps to grow using Topics: Step 1: Treat Topics like Twitter SEO

How-to: Go through the list of Twitter Topics and treat it like keyword research. What do you want to be known for? What topic can you create valuable content around?
Jun 14, 2021 38 tweets 20 min read
17% of users who visited my profile last month followed me.

That rate used to be under 1%.

How? I made my bio better.

Here are 30+ frameworks to help your bio convert more followers: 0. The @heyblake Special

Start with credibility and social proof. Then tell me straight-up why I should follow you. Bonus points for using words like "free", "grow", "learn", and "tips."
Jun 10, 2021 11 tweets 4 min read
40 Million tweet impressions. 😱

I learned a ton the past few months.

Can I share it all with you?

Here are my 10 tweets that drove the most growth: You'll learn:

How to make your landing page more likely to get clicks, conversions, and sales.

Jun 9, 2021 31 tweets 11 min read
10 months ago I had 700 followers.

Today I have over 40k friends here.

Here are 29 tips to grow a small account: Tip:
Quantity leads to quality

Tweet an obscene amount when you start. You will never know what great content actually looks like until you make enough bad content to find out.

Who does this well?
Jun 8, 2021 19 tweets 10 min read
I audited 100+ eCommerce websites.

Here are 51 takeaways from 17 shops to help your store sell more: Shop:


1. Cookies consent that actually makes you like them more.

2. Unique font that you'd only know because of Oatly.

3. Simple lineup of clickable products.

Jun 7, 2021 71 tweets 33 min read
Your marketing degree cost $80k.

Here are 70 lessons that'll cost you $0 and teach you more than college ever did: Teacher: @aaditsh

Key Lesson: How to use Twitter as a channel for growth.

Where to read it: