Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

May 18, 2021, 11 tweets

This is the retweet network for 17,763 tweets from the past 48 hours containing AP + Hamas. The @AP node looks like it's being stretched because many people are mentioning the account. Larger labels are accounts w/ popular tweets. Some tweets are supporting AP others are... not.

The claim Posobiec tweeted which also made the Daily Fail today references a 2014 article by @MattiFriedman that's circulating again this week. What was not widely circulated was @AP's response that said the 2014 piece was "filled with distortions, half-truths and inaccuracies."

Eylon Levy also tweeted the 2014 story, among other things. Also included in the top left quadrant is @adamjohnsonNYC dragging @brianstelter after Stelter asked @SallyBuzbee about the 2014 report in an interview live on CNN yesterday.

@AP's 2014 response:…

.@Snowden tweeted these 2 viral tweets. @AJEnglish, @AlJazeera and the IDF are also in this area of the graph because they're mentioned in tweets. IDF is near @brianstelter b/c he tagged & interviewed the IDF spokesman who recently lied to the media to fake a ground invasion.

Just going to end it here with a collection of right-wing journalists whose tweets are all in my graph. Also here's the author of the 2014 article who tweeted, "I didn’t write that Hamas operated out of the same building, and don’t know if that’s true."…

Whoops here's the tweet from @MattiFriedman where he says he didn't write what everyone says he wrote in 2014.

But literally a minute later in the next tweet Matti cites his friend who knows things and something something Hamas offices.

And finally here's a few more super-spreaders of the 2014 article by @MattiFriedman that didn't make it into my dataset but still contributed to narrative diffusion.

That 2014 article circulated with several other large influential accounts, like AIPAC and Ryan Saavedra, this thread is not an exhaustive list. I have a spreadsheet, happy to share if anyone is interested.

A US Senator tweeted that @AP “literally shares office space” with Hamas.

The interactions Cruz got on Facebook for that Red State blog are slightly disproportionate to the interactions on Red State's own Facebook page.

Continued here:

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