Erin Gallagher Profile picture - independent researcher. previously: @TaSCResearch

May 18, 2021, 11 tweets

So the 2014 @TheAtlantic article by @MattiFriedman that @AP said was "filled with distortions, half-truths and inaccuracies" has now been cited in a variety of right-wing media and blogs, some of which are receiving massive diffusion on social media.

🧵of top performers:

1. Red State: 49,101 Facebook interactions

47K are from Ted Cruz who posted it with the text "When the corporate media literally shares office space with Hamas terrorists, should anyone be surprised that they report anti-Israel & anti-America propaganda?"

2. The Blaze: 20,192 Facebook interactions

They cited Matti Friedman in the lede (included in screenshot)

3. Daily Wire: 16,992 Facebook interactions

This article is entirely about Matti Friedman

4. Jerusalem Post: 11,982 Facebook interactions

5. Breitbart: 8,874 Facebook interactions

Other outlets that cited Matti Friedman:

NY Post (twice) 6,249 total FB interactions
PJ Media (twice) 6,593 total FB interactions
Breitbart (again) 3,516 FB interactions on article #2
Daily Fail 4,819 FB interactions
Epoch Times 1,166 FB interactions

Per Crowdtangle 05/18/21

Once again ICYMI, here's the 2014 @AP response to Matti Friedman that said his arguments were "filled with distortions, half-truths and inaccuracies" and refuted several of his claims point by point.…

The claims @MattiFriedman makes in his @TheAtlantic article are easily debunked. He claimed the @AP refused to report on Hamas rockets launched from residential areas. Here's the 1,400 word @AP investigation on that topic mentioned in AP's response:…

He claimed AP banned interviews w/ Gerald Steinberg but AP cited him in 2014:… 2015:… 2016:… 2020:…

Protip for @TheAtlantic fact-checkers: "Gerald Steinberg"

Does @TheAtlantic even fact-check?

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