Karam Bales Profile picture
Counter Disinformation Project, Former NEU and ATL executive, @Unify1Edu Officer, Freelance journalist & researcher @bylinetimes @whowhatwhy Public speaker

May 19, 2021, 17 tweets

Spent a year platforming skeptics and disinformation, now he's complaining about the consequences of his own actions?

"People are idiots for listening to my nonsense"

Looking at the comments on Tobys site its almost like if you keep underplaying covid and hinting that there are alternative reasons for lockdown other than public health, you might encourage ppl to question vaccination.

Telling people there's minimal risks from covid, constantly claiming that we're just about at herd immunity is going to make people question why they need a vaccination

So I suggest Toby stops tossing his toys out the pram and starts taking some responsibility for the choices he's made.

Stop preaching personal responsibility and start practicing it.

However Toby is bang on trend, shifting the debate away from the partially vaccinated, those still waiting, those who can't for medical reasons and the fact vaccines aren't 100% effective.

The more I think of this the more I get a whiff of eugenics, getting a subtext of
"Only the undeserving will die"
"Let the idiots die"

Now consider implications with which communities are being labelled vaccine hesitant.

Platform skeptics, accuse education workers of being cowards because they claim the risks are incredibly low, keep pushing the line that the only ppl dying are ppl who were about to die anyway.

Sarah Vine is another one to constantly downplay risks who now seems annoyed people actually listened to her.

More importantly, the data just doesn't support the Government/client journalists narrative to shift blame away from their own actions

Doesn't help that media allowed skeptics pretending concern for children to push anti mask misinformation and now they're pushing an anti vax message for children, this is likely to increase hesitancy.

"Mysticism and madness"

Mail really is going all out. Notice use of "excuse for lockdowns"

Still peddling lockdowns aren't necessary and hinting government has other motivations for lockdowns

Its like shouting "get vaccinated" and then loudly whispering "the government is exaggerating and seeking to manipulate you"

With this mixed messaging they really aren't helping with those who are hesitant.

And it looks like Russia are interferring, shame we didn't have some form of wide ranging inquiry into Russian activity...

Oh look UsForThem are also fighting against children being vaccinated, actually suggesting infection is better. Talking about "balance of harms" they further the anti vax agenda.

Yet this is the organisation invited to meet Johnson and ministers


So when are governments going to tackle these disinformation networks?

Instead they allow such groups to influence policy

However the Telegraph seems to be struggling with split personality.

While the Sun has decided to just focus on unlock or else

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