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Watch Al Jazeera’s live coverage of the War on Gaza. #GettingTheFacts #YourRightOurDuty. For breaking news alerts, follow @AJENews.

May 19, 2021, 34 tweets

Latest updates: May 19

Israel continued to pound #Gaza in the early hours of Wednesday following Palestinian protests across cities during a historic general strike against Israeli occupation and bombardment.

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🔴 Israel dropped 122 bombs on Gaza in 25 minutes on Tuesday night

🔴 Four Palestinians have been killed in Israel’s continuing raids on Gaza, including a radio journalist, according to local media

LIVE updates:

UPDATE: Israeli police have arrested 21 Palestinian protesters across the occupied West Bank, according to reports. Follow our LIVE blog for the latest

The UNRWA appeals for immediate humanitarian access into Gaza.

At least 220 Palestinians, including 63 children, have been killed in Gaza since Israeli bombardment began last week.

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50 schools in Gaza have been damaged by Israeli airstrikes over the past week, affecting more than 41,000 children, according to Save The Children.

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Watch as Israeli jets continued to bomb Gaza into Wednesday morning. A residential building was hit, killing several Palestinians, according to local media reports.

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Footballers Paul Pogba and Amad Diallo showed a public display of support for Palestine on Tuesday as Israel continued its bombardment of Gaza ⤵️

Turkey rejects US claims that President Erdogan made "anti-Semitic" remarks in his criticism of Israel's bombardment of Gaza.

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UPDATE: Israeli military gives warning it will attack a residential tower block in Gaza.

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UPDATE: The number of Palestinian protesters arrested by Israeli police in the occupied West Bank rises to 58, according to Adalah Legal Centre.

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Israel is assessing when is the "right moment" for a ceasefire.

At least 220 Palestinians, including 63 children have been killed by Israeli air raids in Gaza since bombardment began last week.

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Dozens of Palestinian families have rushed to evacuate Gaza's Al-Andalus residential tower block after receiving a warning that Israel would destroy it in an air raid.

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Earlier on Wednesday morning, Israeli airstrikes targetted a residential building that killed several Palestinians including radio journalist Yusef Abu Hussein, according to local media.

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YouTube has added an age restriction to Al Jazeera Arabic’s live stream amid the channel’s ongoing coverage of Israel's bombardment of Gaza

How Israel's military control over the Palestinian people affects every aspect of their lives:

Funerals in the occupied West Bank are underway after Israeli forces killed four Palestinians participating in protests during Tuesday's historic general strike against Israeli occupation and bombardment.

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As the Palestinian death toll in Gaza surpasses 200, Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says the Israeli military can’t prevent “collateral damage.”

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Journalist @YoumnaElSayed17 reporting from Gaza's al-Shifa hospital, says that more than 72,000 internally displaced Palestinians are facing “extremely difficult conditions” due to a shortage of food, water and electricity.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 A group of Jewish Google employees urge the company to support Palestinians and condemn actions of the Israeli military: Report ⤵️

@YoumnaElSayed17 Arab League accuses Israel of ethnic cleansing.

“We are before a colonising people that lives under an apartheid state and an occupation government that systematically practices ethnic cleansing.” - Ahmed Aboul Gheit, secretary-general.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 Joe Biden tells Benjamin Netanyahu he expected significant de-escalation in Gaza today.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 UPDATE: Gaza death toll reaches 227 Palestinians, including 64 children and 38 women, as Israeli air strikes continue to pummel the Gaza Strip.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 Israeli PM Benjamin Netanyahu says he is “determined to continue” Gaza attacks despite Joe Biden’s call for de-escalation.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 UN aid convoy still being held up at Gaza-Israel border.

“The UN is frustrated with the Israelis. The Israelis are simply not opening the border because they say the barrier isn’t secure.” - Al Jazeera’s Imran Khan.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 Progressive US legislators object to $735m arms sale to Israel.

“For decades, the US has sold billions of dollars in weaponry to Israel without ever requiring them to respect basic Palestinian rights.” - Alexandria Ocasio-Cortez, US Rep.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 Pakistanis marched in the streets of Karachi to protest the Israeli airstrikes on Gaza.

“I think we all need to come together as humans to help Palestine gain its freedom. Enough is enough” - Lubna Lakhani, civil society activist.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 Hamas, Islamic Jihad react to Biden’s call for de-escalation.

Hamas spokesman Hazem Qassam said those who sought to restore calm must “compel Israel to end its aggression in Jerusalem and its bombardment of Gaza.”

🔴 LIVE updates:

@YoumnaElSayed17 Palestinians share their stories of survival and loss from Israel’s 10-day bombardment of the Gaza Strip

@YoumnaElSayed17 "It is an endless circle of fear and exhaustion. But we must continue sharing our message.”

Four Palestinian journalists in Gaza share their experiences reporting on Israel’s latest bombardment of the territory

@YoumnaElSayed17 A special session of the UN General Assembly will be held on Thursday to discuss the ongoing violence in Gaza.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 "Netanyahu has cultivated an increasingly intolerant and authoritarian type of racist nationalism,” says US Senator Bernie Sanders.

Sanders also condemned militant group Hamas as a “corrupt” and “repressive” organization.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 Palestinian human rights group Al Haq is calling for an international investigation into Israeli strikes in Gaza.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 In thirteen maps, we explain how Israel’s military control over the Palestinian people affects every aspect of their lives:

@YoumnaElSayed17 “Palestinians want their own self-determination rights. They want their own state."

South Africa's president says Israeli treatment of Palestinians resembles apartheid-era South Africa.

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