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May 19, 2021, 9 tweets

My first take on NY AG and Weisselberg

This wkend Trump was freaking out. He had gotten wind that something bad to him is about to happen. This was that bad thing. His New York tax fraud case is now a criminal case, not just Manhattan DA, but New York state AG office.


This is a DRAMATIC change. CHANGE in the case.

Remember, New York already had Trump tax returns (Trump took it to SCOTUS twice! Twice! and lost both times). And NY has Deutsche Bank records. They know it was a crime. But they need to prove CRIMINAL INTENT

New York has already had Michael Cohen providing testimony as a friendly witness. Eric Trump was forced to testify for 8 hours. Many other Trump Org people have testified. All this was months ago. What happened NOW?

Possibly Allen Weisselberg flipped. Or this is extra pressure

New York has no interest in telling Trump. How could Trump KNOW this weekend? New York had put extra pressure on Allen Weisselberg (Trump's crooked-to-the-bone slimebag accountant from the times of Trump's dad, scumbag slumlord Fred Trump)

Likely Allen STOPPED TALKING to Trump

Like when Trump was sending messages to Michael Cohen to stay strong, when Michael flipped of course against Trump. I guess Trump was regularly calling Allen, how are you doing? And Allen said, "Fine Mr Trump, I am fine." and suddenly Allen no longer takes Trump's calls.. oopsie

We do NOT KNOW if Allen has flipped.

New York can prove tax fraud to astronomical levels from the documents and testimony they have. To prove 'criminal intent' they need evidence that the fraud was DELIBERATE, directed by Trump, for the purpose of committing a crime.

If Allen flipped this weekend, it will take WEEKS, possibly months before his confessions are taken as testimony. He has committed crimes with Trump for four DECADES. He has to confess all to get any plea deal. We might not KNOW that he has flipped until this process is done

BUT if there are serious crimes involved, New York CAN start to make arrests. Allen may turn himself in, voluntarily (like Michael Cohen did)

New York can come and arrest Eric Trump or Don Jr. Beavis and Butt-Head Trump are likely to be arrested BEFORE Trump himself.

And this process may take YEARS of a SERIES of criminal cases, where Trump is the LAST to be charged, arrested, tried, convicted & imprisoned

It MIGHT happen fast, because of some developments in New York. It is LIKELY to be YEARS before Trump part starts. Junior levels go first

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