John Roberts Profile picture
Actuary for far too many years. Welsh, but now live in the spiritual home of the Wurzels out west. Don’t think I’ve got the accent yet. Like zider though...

May 19, 2021, 5 tweets

Wed vaccine update (& Wales progress)

498k total reported today, just 3% up on last week.

1st doses resume their gradual upward progress, with 174k up 29%. We're now just shy of 37m, so around 10m to go, the exact figure depending on take-up in the younger age groups.


2nd doses were a disappointing 7% down at 324k, so little sign yet of the surge we might have expected with the announcement of bringing forward appointments for the under 50s to 8 weeks.


Over the border, we can see good progress through the younger age groups, with over half the thirties done, and nearly 75% of the forties. There's a definite gradient emerging as we move down below 50, but 75% is still a very respectable figure.


Finally, second dose take-up is excellent above age 70, averaging over 96% (and above 80 there is a limit due to general mortality between doses). Below that it's too early to tell yet.

All in all, a very good performance by Wales to date.
Da iawn Cymru!

Having said that, one local GP practice is bringing forward appts from 12th and 19th June to next Tuesday, so maybe the surge will be a little later.

(As an aside I love the plea not to chat on the phone - I can imagine that's a big problem for staff!)

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