Tomi T Ahonen Moved to Post, Spoutible & Mastodon Profile picture
Author, consultant, motivational speaker. Biggest social media slut in mobile. A mAd vidiot, F1 fan, globetrotting digital gypsy 007 wannabe. The T Dawg

May 19, 2021, 39 tweets

Trump Legal Thread 1/

Today we learned New York state AG Attorney General has joined Manhattan DA District Attorney in making the financial investigation of Trump Org into a criminal case. This is very bad news for Trump, but past week has had bad developments in THREE cases..

Trump Legal Thread 2/

Let's examine the 3 main criminal issues facing Trump, and what bad developments have taken place in them.

First reminder. Al Capone was not convicted of multiple murders. He was convicted of tax fraud. Tax crimes never expire. Trump FEARS the NY tax case

Trump Legal Thread 3/

Today's news from NY AG, is a SEPARATE case from Manhattan DA. Neither of these are 'SDNY' which is FEDERAL criminal jurisdiction. We are looking at New York STATE crimes. A Presidential pardon would not even help in these (if Trump has secret self-pardon)

Trump Legal Thread 4/

The Manhattan DA case is Trump tax fraud, worth about 225 million dollars. Involved Deutsche Bank records and Trump tax filings. Trump tried to block these documents, took case to SCOTUS, lost there TWICE (unanimous verdict). Case already WAS criminal

Trump Legal Thread 5/

The Manhattan DA has taken Eric Trump sworn deposition testimony for 8 hours. Have multiple witnesses from Michael Cohen to Allen Weisselberg's daughter-in-law. Allen is Trump's accountant of over 40 years. This case is closest to trial of any against Trump

Trump Legal Thread 6/

Last weekend we learned Allen Weisselberg himself is close to flipping. The prosecutors are applying immense pressure on him (he will flip). We do not KNOW he has flipped, and NY has no interest in informing us, the general public if he has.

Trump Legal Thread 7/

This past weekend, Trump freaked out. That usually means some bad news is about to break. If Allen has flipped, that is catastrophic news for Trump. This New York state AG news could be the reason Trump had his fit, but NY would not INFORM him in advance

Trump Legal Thread 8/

So something bad happened to Trump this wkend. It is POSSIBLE that Allen Weisselberg flipped. I do not know this. But that would be CONSISTENT with NY AG suddenly changing a civil trial into criminal trial. Allen's testimony will establish 'criminal intent'

Trump Legal Thread 9/

Regardless, what is NY AG case if not NY state taxes (which are Manhattan DA case)? NY state Attorney General deals with the RICO cases, racketeering. Mafia. Conspiracy. Money laundering on an industrial scale. This is a SEPARATE crime that Trump enged in

Trump Legal Thread 10/

The NY tax fraud is worth roughly one decade of prison time for Trump (and he will be convicted of it, regardles of Allen Weisselberg, NY has the records). Same prison time for Allen.

The NY money laundering carries SIMILAR prison time. Another DECADE

Trump Legal Thread 11/

The money laundering involves multiple criminal parties, not just Trump. Whose money was he laundering? The usual suspects are drug dealers. But NOT with Trump. It is RUSSIAN money, Vladimir Putin and his criminal oligarch money which was under sanctions.

Trump Legal Thread 12/

The INTERNATIONAL sanctions-busting that Trump did, in taking PUTIN money and laundering that, makes this now ALSO a FEDERAL crime of international sanctions bypassing. THAT adds ANOTHER decade to Trump's (and Weisselberg's) sentences

Trump Legal Thread 13/

The INTERNATIONAL federal angle to this criminal enterprise falls to Feds, SDNY, DOJ and FBI. We learned last week, that DOJ is suddenly interested in the NY financial investigation of Trump :-)

Yes there is a new sheriff in town. Bill Barr is gone

Trump Legal Thread 14/

Allen Weisselberg is the KEY to wiping Trump out on the financial crimes. He will flip. He may just have, this weekend. We will know eventually, when he officially surrenders to NY prosecutors and enters a plea deal. Could happen in a few months

Trump Legal Thread 15/

If Weisselberg has NOT flipped yet, this NY AG development (into criminal CONSPIRACY money laundering case) adds enormous pressure to force Allen to flip, eventually. His remaining life span won't last the amount of years they now pile onto his rap sheet

Trump Legal Thread 16/

The NY financial crimes will get us Don Jr, Eric, Ivanka and of course Donald Trump. Allen Weisselberg will get a lot of years even after he has flipped. But this crime won't touch the political names we know. All of this is BEFORE 2016

Trump Legal Thread 17/

I said 3 criminal issues. That is ONE. Note ALL of that financial crime was BEFORE Trump became President.

Next up Giuliani. His law office and home were raided a week ago. This makes Rudy's arrest imminent. He will flip on Trump, too

Trump Legal Thread 18/

Rudy's primary crime is Ukraine extortion. He has already confessed his crimes on TV. Lev Parnas has the evidence. Trump could have pardoned Buttdial McRudypants but he didn't. Trump isn't even paying Rudy for the legal work he did about the Big Lie

Trump Legal Thread 19/

We have a timeline for when Rudy Colludy goes to prison. His predecessor, Trump attorney Michael Cohen had his offices raided. So expect Rudy in jail, arrested or surrendered by end of summer. Trial in Autumn. Convicted around New Year's. Rudy will flip

Trump Legal Thread 20/

(I will post these Tweets now, as TW does not support long Threads. I will resume shortly with part 2 of this thread. I hope I can finish it in 2 parts)

Trump Legal Thread 21/

So Rudy Ukraine crimes are the first step to the CRIMINAL liability for Trump relating to Impeachment 1. Those matters now get criminal treatment. And we alreayd know, crimes happened, Trump confessed, Rudy confessed, the evidence is obvious even as GOP..

Trump Legal Thread 22/

..even as GOP Senators except Romney refused to convict Trump. In court Trump will lose this case comprehensively - and there will be witnesses haha. But what of Rudy? He ALSO committed OTHER crimes, not directed by Trump, in Ukraine

Trump Legal Thread 23/

So the firing of the Ambassador? That is a rogue foreign policy by Rudy, to assist Firtash the oligarch who is pals with Putin. And Firtash PAID Rudy, via Lev Parnas, who has the receipts

This type of crime gets life in prison.

Trump Legal Thread 24/

Bill Barr intervened last summer, to prevent the raid of Giuliani's home and office. Of course Barr told Trump what he was doing to help Trump. And of course Trump told Rudy. And of course Rudy has been destroying incriminating evidence.

Trump Legal Thread 25/

This is why Rudy is so utterly f.. clucked. He didn't know the Feds HAD his messages. So deleting them did not hide evidence. It only establishes Giuliani's guilty intention. He begged Trump for a pardon. Obviously got none. He will flip and fast

Trump Legal Thread 26/

Why flip? Because Rudy was a prosecutor of Mafia, putting criminals away for life. There is no prison where Rudy is safe. He has to spend the rest of his life in SOLITARY confinement. He truly needs a deal. So he will flip. Within weeks.

Trump Legal Thread 27/

The Ukraine crimes get us Pompeo and Bill Barr. And Trump. The Pompeo and Barr trials start next year 2022. Trump Ukraine related trials may start in 2023 or 2024. Trump's own involvement (extortion) adds roughly one decade to his prison time.

Trump Legal Thread 28/

But Pompeo and Barr will sing in a flipping competition. They will hand to the feds a SLEW of crimes, some that we were speculating on, others that we were unaware of. And more time for Trump, and bring in more of the Trumpomobsers to justice

Trump Legal Thread 29/

The third major criminal exposure for Trump is a terrorist attack he organized against the US Congress on Jan 6. This crime is still fresh, many of the perps have not even been caught yet. Investigations ongoing. But something happened at the Gaetz of Hell

Trump Legal Thread 30/

In Florida a small time Repulsican swamp creature, Joel Greenberg, confessed to 6 counts including drugging and raping a 17 year old. He testifies he witnessed 6 other men rape her too. One of them is Matt Gaetz aka the Honorable Rapey McForehead

Trump Legal Thread 31/

Trump is not directly involved, but Gaetz begged for a pardon - did not get one. But these 'stable genius' swamp scum had the brain fart to CONFESS their crimes - to whom? To Roger Stone. And that brings Mr Nixon Tattoo into focus

Trump Legal Thread 32/

Matt Gaetz goes to prison for at least a decade, likely several. But this TRIAL will implicate Roger Stone and nobody will come to protect Roger. He received a pardon after obscene criminal behavior including threatening witnesses.

Trump Legal Thread 33/

The prosecutors hate with a passion those who intimidate witnesses. Roger Stone openly THREATENED the President. The feds can't wait to take Roger Stone back into custody. And now throw the book at him. And NOW the link to Trump

Trump Legal Thread 34/

Roger Stone was part of that brain trust that planned January 6, including Giuliani, General Flynn, Erik Prince and Don Jr. And Roger Stone has TASTED prison. He will not want to go back. He will SING SING SING

Trump Legal Thread 35/

Roger Stone was always going to be part of Jan 6 investigations, because of his association with the Proud Boys. But because of his pardon - and now Matt Gaetz - the Rogerstone will be arrested sooner, rather than later.

Trump Legal Thread 36/

Trump organized Jan 6. The evidence will eventually tie him to it. That will add maybe a life sentence or a few life sentences to his total prison time. There is no precedent, no past President has sent a deadly mob to attack Congress.

Trump Legal Thread 37/

This past week has brought bad news for Trump on the 3 main areas of criminal liability that he faces. Remember, these trials will take YEARS to process. They are like Mafia trials, you start with the lowest level first, and move on up. Have patience.

To everybody in this Trump Legal Thread.

THANK YOU for sharing these Tweets. This has become one of the most shared items I have ever created on Twitter. Together with you, we have reached nearly 1 MILLION people with this thread. Thank you so much!!!

To everybody in this thread

THANK YOU !! You have helped spread this thread to reach over 1.6 MILLION people. Most of them were worried or confused about the lawsuits around Trump. You helped THEM become less worried. THANK YOU SO MUCH

I will try to respond to a few of you

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