Corey Quinn Profile picture
Chief Cloud Economist at @DuckbillGroup. Father to @QuinnyPiglet & @theMunchQuinn. he/him Get my snarky take on AWS news:

May 19, 2021, 20 tweets

And now a jackass gives a #DOES21 keynote.

Huh. I may be overloaded.

An empathetic talk title.

Hide your dogs, hide your cats, @awscloud account managers!

The biggest cloud cost mistake is always Kubernetes.

"Autoscaling is often not worth the expense of implementing it properly."

There, I said it.

Stop doing this please.

"Move data between AZs once; it costs the same as storing it in S3 for three weeks."

...that meets your requirements, obviously.

"A different company has data that lives in @Splunk, because data always finds its way to Splunk. Imagine that, an expensive story that involves Splunk!"

This is going to result in emails, isn't it.

Now I cite @ben11kehoe while also insulting him by calling him my friend.

Now I talk finance mixed with sarcasm and nobody gets the accent.

"It turns out computers are SUUUUUUUUUPER expensive!"

Surprise your leadership, and they will surprise you in return.


Tag yourself. I'm not the whale.

"Save money but lose the ability to predict it." Feels like a candidate for "Quinn's Law."

And of course a call to action.

And now @RealGeneKim would (in a normal in-person year) hits me with a broom until I flee.

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