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Writer, researcher, co-founder @ReduxxMag 🔸@ReduxxMagEs 🔸 🔸 🔊🔸#IStandWithJKRowling

May 20, 2021, 9 tweets

Japan — "In recent years, posts viewing trans women using 'women-only spaces' as a problem have been circulating on social media. The argument was also presented at a study group meeting for Diet members, and could influence policy decisions."

.@themainichi, one of the top five leading newspapers in Japan, engages in severe gaslighting with all the usual abusive arguments: that men have a right to womanhood, that women are a subset of our own class, and any discomfort and opposition is either irrelevant or bigoted.

We can see the common theme that women defending themselves from male intrusion are portrayed as "excluding" and "attacking".
And no, ♂️ do not have a "right" to be treated like a woman — which is a euphemism for validating a sexual fetish, since they see women as sex objects.

The ♂️ who claim womanhood say they feel uneasy in ♂️ restrooms, but women's discomfort is ignored.

Anxiety experienced by women is "abstract" but a ♂️ who says he "feels" like a woman is valid, and must be affirmed at women's expense, no matter how they feel.

"Some say that there will be an increase in the number of male sex offenders posing as trans women"

1) this is not a rumor but a documented fact, happening in Canada, US, UK

2) Gender identity policy is directly responsible

3) all are posing, there is no ♂️ with a ♀️ brain.

Same-sex marriage is still illegal in Japan but gender identity has already begun to erode women's boundaries.
This is Elin McCready, an American linguistics professor at Aoyama Gakuin University, who 'identifies' as a lesbian.

In 2019 McCready slandered a lesbian bar for denying them entry. Goldfinger, owned by Chiga Ogawa, herself a lesbian, hosts women-only nights once a week. There were six other days McCready could have joined, but that wasn't satisfactory; only validation as a lesbian would do.

This led to a small social media campaign to "cancel" Tokyo's longest-running lesbian bar.

Someone claiming to be the Stonewall Japan Vice President referred to the lesbian bar owner, Ogawa, as a "transphobic piece of human trash".…

McCready married a woman in Japan and went to the US to change their identification documents to say "female".

Japan doesn't allow same-sex marriage yet, but if that changes it's possible a heterosexual couple will obtain one of the first legally recognized lesbian marriages.

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