Genevieve Gluck Profile picture
Co-founder @ReduxxMag 🔸 🔸 🔸 🔊
12 subscribers
Mar 14 9 tweets 6 min read
Let's go through a few articles from @ReduxxMag about men who have turned out to be violent and / or sexual predators who have harassed @jk_rowling, starting with the most recent - Stephen Ireland, who raped a 12 year-old boy. Image There's also Alexander Secker, who called himself Lexi Bowen.

Secker repeatedly mocked women critical of gender identity ideology online, including JK Rowling, and advocated against female-only rape crisis centers.

He was found guilty of rape.…Image
Mar 3 7 tweets 3 min read
Someone needs to inform all these well-off slebs that the term "sex work" was created by brothel owners in order to legitimize PIMPS, aka, the violent men who traffic women and children Image…Image
Feb 17 13 tweets 6 min read
"Trans women" are men acting out a BDSM fetish on the public. Therefore, the transitioning of minors is inherently pedophilic.

These are "chastity cages" that are worn by men who pretend to be women during BDSM sexual activities.

Men who claim to be trans women are getting the idea from porn and BDSM.

In these BDSM practices, the penis is referred to as a "clit", and the act of being penetrated by a dom is what is meant to turn them into a "female".

During the "sissification" process they are encouraged by a dominatrix (who isn't always female) to begin taking estrogen in order to "shrink [their] useless little sissy clit."

As the fetish escalates, body modification is also encouraged. The body modification is part of the same BDSM fetish.

Genital surgery is a permanent chastity cage, and puberty blockers for children achieve the same outcome: chemical castration puts minors in a chastity cage.Image
Here's Walter Bockting (who is homosexual), president of WPATH from 2009 - 2011, discussing how puberty blockers prevent male genital growth:

"What is it like to live as a transgender woman with underdeveloped genitalia? Maybe it's fine and wonderful."
Feb 15 4 tweets 2 min read
This guy uses photos of people's toddlers to use as drawing references for his furry and diaper fetish porn Image
He's invited to speak to kids at school 😓 Because, Canada.
Jan 13 6 tweets 4 min read
Wikipedia, show me an example of a "moral panic". 🤔

"The moral panic over pedophilia began in the 1970's.
Sex was not yet part of the concept of domestic child abuse.

Pro-contact pedophile activist organizations such as Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE) and North American Man/Boy Love Association (NAMBLA) were formed.

The concern over child sexual abuse was caused by feminists...
This in turn led to the creation of sex offender registries."Image
Let me get this straight: pedophiles organized multinationally, lobbied governments for abolishing the age of consent; media began reporting on cases where actual children had been raped / abducted.

But the concern over child sexual abuse, says @Wikipedia, was a "moral panic" caused by feminists because until they spoke out against it, raping children wasn't seen as a problem, and actually, sex offenders aren't as dangerous as they are portrayed.

Wikipedia editors shouldn't be allowed to be anonymous.
Dec 19, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
This is a 14 year-old boy saying that transgender "forced feminization" porn spurred his decision to claim a female "identity".

The medical transitioning of young boys is an extension of an adult sexual fetish - therefore, it is sexual abuse.
In the comments, the boy says he was 9 years old when he first saw forced feminization or "sissy" porn. Many commenters say they had a similar experience. One responder says he was 7 years old. Image
Nov 19, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
Not a single government is tracking deaths or adverse outcomes as a result of surrogacy, a medicalized process that uses powerful drugs such as Lupron - which is anecdotally linked to greater risks of reproductive cancer, and to elevated risks of lethal complications. Image…
Oct 31, 2024 5 tweets 4 min read
@DuncanHenry78 @Slatzism I'm tired of being gaslit about the harassment I've endured quietly, not making a fuss over, as if it isn't real, didn't happen, or someone else's feelings are a reason to discredit everything I've done.
This is about power, not feelings. That was obvious to me from the start. Image
@DuncanHenry78 @Slatzism I knew that the whole point of crying "homophobia" to the extent of making shit up, claiming bigotry and hurt feelings, was really about self-promotion, and I was proven correct. Image
Oct 31, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
Germany has passed a law that enables parents to "transition" their babies from the moment they are born.

The Self-Determination Act, to be implemented Nov. 1, also imposes a €10,000 fine for exposing a transgender person's biological sex or "deadname."
Here is trans-identified male politician, Maja Tegeler, arguing earlier this year that Germany's sex self-ID law did not go far enough, and ought to be altered to allow men to enter women's saunas.
Sep 3, 2024 4 tweets 2 min read
The entire purpose of the linguistic sleight-of-hand involved in the term "gender dysphoria" is to normalize and depathologize male sexual fetishism.

"Transgender" turns every single major paraphilia in diagnostic literature into a protected identity. Image The very first wedge used in diagnostic literature - by sexologists and psychiatrists - was to claim that men who masturbated wearing the stolen clothing of women was not a sexual act, but an identity crisis.

That men who were absorbed in BDSM, in making themselves into torture porn, scenes that reflect what they are aroused by seeing done to women, was not sexual in nature, but an expression of themselves.

This wedge, detailed in the DSM-4, allowed every other paraphilia to fall under the dominant category of gender identity or dysphoria - the category that is now regarded as not a sexual pathology, but an inborn trait, an identity.

All the while, there has been the knowledge that paraphilias rarely ever appear in isolation - they overlap.

So now, every major sexual pathology gets to hide under the "skirt" of gender dysphoria.Image
Aug 2, 2024 5 tweets 2 min read
Imane Khelif, the Algerian boxer who failed two "gender eligibility tests" to compete against women, and caused Angela Carini to abandon the #Paris2024 match for her own safety after 46 seconds, is a @UNICEF ambassador

#IStandWithCarini It's almost like the IOC, UN, and WEF are organized in a structural pattern of removing women's rights. Image
Jun 16, 2024 7 tweets 3 min read
A little more information about "Wren Nilla", who said,

"As a teenager, I would compulsively draw dismembered female bodies... When [transgender feelings] started to come out, they had a sickly fetishistic vibe to them."

He recently lived in Brooklyn and was offering house cleaning services.
🧵Image "The most accurate portrayal of my own transgender psychosis I've ever seen was in Silence of the Lambs." Image
May 16, 2024 5 tweets 3 min read
A prominent Norwegian psychologist with connections to the World Professional Association for Transgender Health (WPATH) was previously associated with multinational pro-pedophile groups which lobbied for lowering the age of consent.

Thore Langfeldt assisted in the organizing of a 2009 WPATH conference in Oslo that focused on gender identity and children.…Image In 1977, Langfeldt reportedly attended a symposium which included the topic of pedophilia held in Swansea, Wales. The event, titled The International Conference on Love and Attraction, which covered a range of subjects related to sexuality, was hosted by the British Psychological Society and took place from September 5th to 9th that year.

Prominent academics from the Americas and various European countries turned up at the Love and Attraction symposium. Among the attendees were several men involved in pro-pedophilia activism in the United States, England, and the Netherlands. One such academic was Tom O’Carroll, founder of England’s notorious Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which operated publicly for a decade before being discredited and disbanded.Image
May 14, 2024 10 tweets 5 min read
These are photos of public women's restrooms in Korea where men have drilled holes in stall doors to insert spy cams to record women to streaming porn sites. Spy cams in Korea can be disguised as screws.

South Korea has been struggling for years with an epidemic of spy cam porn and private messaging groups spreading nonconsensual porn of women and girls.

Subscription-based sites sell streaming videos of women in private places, such as in public toilets or hotel rooms, and the creators of this voyeuristic porn are able to earn living wages from this violation of their privacy.Image
All-women inspection teams were deployed by the South Korean government from 2016 to search public toilets for hidden cameras.

Yet the cameras are still widely available for low prices.

The footage is broadcast live on porn sites.

May 12, 2024 18 tweets 9 min read
The @ACLU hates women and is led by a gay man: a thread.

One of the most powerful lobby groups in the United States pushing "gender identity" policies is the ACLU.

Currently, the organization is leading the legal fight to place violent men, including sadistic killers and rapists, into women's prisons.

The executive director since 2001 is Anthony Romero.

In the past the organization defended NAMBLA, asserted that child pornography is free speech, defended child marriage, took money from pornographers, and argued that sex trafficking is "work."……Image The ACLU mourned the execution of a convicted child rapist who murdered a 14-year-old girl and a single mother of two.

Duane Owen, who the ACLU referred to using "she/her" pronouns, said he raped women in order to harvest their hormones and souls.…
Mar 4, 2024 7 tweets 11 min read
Trans activist and BDSM fetishist James Clifford Shupe has been positively cited by US mainstream media as well as the @UN - all while sending chilling death threats to women and having articles critical of him censored.

Last year I exposed Shupe's connection to a Swiss hacker and implicated him in a scheme which saw politicians' and a prominent women's rights activist's email accounts flooded with porn.

At his request, the article was removed by @SubstackInc. I will post it in this thread.Image A U.S. Army veteran who was widely celebrated in mainstream media as the first legally recognized ‘non-binary’ person has been featured positively in a recent @nytimes hit piece aimed at vocal detransitioners who criticize medical interventions for minors on the basis of “gender identity.”

Elisa Rae Shupe, 59, formerly James Clifford Shupe, was the first individual in the United States to be legally recognized as ‘non-binary’. Over the past decade, he has changed his identity four times – from male, to female, to non-binary, to male, and currently identifies as female again.

He has repeatedly claimed that he suffers from a variety of mental illnesses and has written in extensive detail about the sexual fetishes that motivated his “gender identity.”

By 2022, Shupe had come full circle and was again claiming to be a woman. He legally changed his name to “Elisa Rae,” and frequently posted criticism on social media of women he labeled “TERFs.”

In March 2023, in what appears to be a collaboration with a Swiss hacker who was previously investigated by the U. S. government, Shupe leaked over 2000 pages of e-mail exchanges he had with politicians in an effort to discredit bills designed to protect children from irreversible medical transition. The recent New York Times article which mentions Shupe’s leaked emails, titled, “How a Few Stories of Regret Fuel the Push to Restrict Gender Transition Care,” was published on May 16 and confirms that he also sent the files to the publication.

Mother Jones was the first outlet to reference Shupe’s e-mails on March 8. “Inside the Secret Working Group That Helped Push Anti-Trans Laws Across the Country,” calls attention to the approximately 2,600 e-mail exchanges dating from 2019 to 2021 given by Shupe to the press. The communications involve discussions of the Vulnerable Child Protection Act, a bill proposed by South Dakota Republican state Representative Fred Deutsch which would have prohibited medical ‘transition’ interventions for children under the age of 16.

“It was like Deutsch assembled a team of Navy SEALs — we were all trained killers in a specialty,” Shupe is quoted as saying in the Mother Jones article, comparing the debate over halting children’s puberty to military warfare. “It’s like they want to do as much damage to the trans community as they can,” he added.Image
Sep 2, 2023 4 tweets 3 min read
ICYMI, a man who identified as transsexual and sexually assaulted women in order to “turn himself into a female,” believing he “absorbed the souls” of his victims, was portrayed sympathetically by the @ACLU.

The ACLU is one of the most powerful transgender lobbying groups actively working to remove women's rights, and is leading the charge on litigation which forces the transfer of deranged men similar to Duane Owen into women's prisons.

How is it that the ACLU has not had its reputation thoroughly ruined by now? This organization is using a degrading legal fiction to terrorize women, in part by siding with rapists, and needs to be held accountable.
In 2019, an @ACLU lawsuit against the New Jersey Department of Corrections resulted in a settlement which required the state to allow violent male inmates to self-identify into the Edna Mahan Correctional Facility for Women.

The lawsuit was launched on behalf of a trans-identifying male inmate who posts online about his diaper fetish and calls himself a "rape counselor".

Aug 17, 2023 6 tweets 4 min read
This is the most astonishing interview. Graham Linehan (@Glinner) has been vindicated over and over regarding the medical abuse of children by gender clinics, and he's correctly pointed out that central figures within “gender identity” theorizing have sexualized children.

For starters, John Money: American sexologist and psychologist from New Zealand who practiced at Johns Hopkins, considered the first to coin the terms “gender identity” and “gender role.” Money believed pedophilia was a harmless sexuality, and he promoted pornography as a means for young children to develop their sense of a “gender identity.”

In a 1991 interview for the pro-pedophile journal Paidika, Money is quoted as saying:

“If I were to see the case of a boy aged ten or eleven who’s intensely erotically attracted toward a man in his twenties or thirties, if the relationship is totally mutual, and the bonding is genuinely totally mutual, then I would not call it pathological in any way.”

Chemical castration, pioneered by John Money as a treatment for pedophiles, is now being practiced on children via “puberty blockers,” and most mainstream media have failed to ask crucial questions, such as, who benefits from halting puberty, and why the trans movement is so fixated on children's bodies.
Or, why it is that the leading lobbying group on this issue, WPATH, worked with members of a sadomasochistic fetish forum who wrote graphic sexual stories about castrating children. In 1986, Tatchell contributed a chapter to a book called “Betrayal of Youth” compiled by Warren Middleton, former vice-chairman of the Paedophile Information Exchange (PIE), which argued for “questioning ages of majority and ages of consent”.

PIE, which for a decade advocated for adult-minor sexual relationships to be decriminalized and called for abolishing the age of consent, was disbanded in 1984, and several prominent members were arrested for child sexual abuse offenses - including Middleton, whose real name was John Parratt.
Aug 9, 2023 13 tweets 8 min read
Judith plagiarized my work and credited in the laziest way possible to ensure that most readers would assume my research was hers.

When I asked for a correction, she called me a "hater," got ratioed, deleted the tweet.

All I am asking for is proper recognition @againstgrmrs and I should not be treated with disdain for doing so.Image The article in question lifted entire passages from three of my articles, two published for Reduxx and one on my Substack.

Source materials that I dug up were presented as though she had, and even a photo composite I'd made was taken. I asked for credit and was ignored.
Aug 5, 2023 9 tweets 6 min read
The first silicone breast procedures were performed on Japanese women trafficked into sex slavery during post-WWII American occupation. The silicone, stolen from shipping docks, was injected directly into their bodies, resulting in gangrene or "silicone rot", and in some cases,……
Image Prior to the use of silicone to augment women's breasts, surgeons mutilated women's healthy bodies as far back as 1895.

Male doctors were injecting women's breasts with paraffin wax to make them bigger. The wax was known to melt in the sun and caused infections and lumps called……
Aug 1, 2023 5 tweets 3 min read
A prominent psychologist within the Gender Identity Clinic at Tavistock has called for normalizing age play, furry fetishes, and a variety of sadomasochistic sexual practices as “sexualities.”

Dr. Christina Richards, a male who identifies as transgender, and the Lead……
Image In a 2015 presentation, Richards states that "age play" is not paedophilic.

This claim contradicts findings from research into autopaedophilia, an adult being sexually aroused from fantasizing about themselves as a child, found to be "common among paedohebephilic participants".