Corey Quinn Profile picture
Chief Cloud Economist at @DuckbillGroup. Father to @QuinnyPiglet & @theMunchQuinn. he/him Get my snarky take on AWS news:

May 20, 2021, 17 tweets

All right, let's give you a spin, App Runner. Somewhere an @awscloud service team's collective sphincters tighten.

Before I start, a hat-tip of admiration to @AWSIdentity; awscli v2 + SSO make this a streamlined experience in my shitposting account.

I don't know what a container registry is so we'll go with a source code repository. It doesn't even pretend that I"m using CodeCommit, which is nice.

Good names are descriptive and memorable.

This would benefit from an info box telling me that "Automatic" costs a dollar a month. Note that GitHub webhooks to CodeBuild cost $0 a month. It's not the money, it's the principle!

Okay, this app has a Docker file already so I'm backing up and learning what a container repository is after all. Drat, I'd made it so far without this.

Okay, built and pushed an image.

"Do I wish to configure my own IAM role?" I absolutely do not.

Defaulting to port 1 is a bold and incorrect choice.

"That IAM role you wanted me to build? Yeah, about that..."

"You're holding it wrong."

♪ ♫ ♬ Circles....

You're spinning me around in circles, again. ♪ ♫ ♬

A reload of the page loses all the form data but fixes the problem. Huzzah.

And we're apparently working. Try to knock it over, internet:

The site is working, but CloudWatch is convinced it's taking a nap.

I further like how the application logs see everything coming from the link-local address ranges.

There we go. This important service is now up and running.

Overall, not at all bad. The stumblings were mostly mine; I don't think this is aimed at multi-container applications defined in a docker-compose file.

Thus concludes this experiment. I've taken the site down because you people aren't worth the 6¢ an hour it costs me to entertain you.

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