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Watch Al Jazeera’s live coverage of the War on Gaza. #GettingTheFacts #YourRightOurDuty. For breaking news alerts, follow @AJENews.

May 20, 2021, 22 tweets

Latest updates: May 20

Israel continued to pound #Gaza with airstrikes early on Thursday as PM Netanyahu defied US calls for a de-escalation.

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🔴 One Palestinian killed and 13 others wounded in the latest Israeli air attacks on Gaza

🔴 At least 227 Palestinians, including 64 children, have been killed since Israeli bombardment of Gaza began 11 days ago

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A ceasefire between Israel and Hamas could “come as early as Friday”, the Wall Street Journal reported.

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“They were just getting ready to have lunch.”

An Israeli air raid on a Gaza family home has killed a Palestinian man with disabilities, his pregnant wife and their three-year-old daughter, according to relatives and authorities

How Israel’s attacks on Gaza’s civilian buildings are an attempt to demoralise Palestinians and weaken their resolve ⤵️

Seven Palestinians injured in an Israeli missile strike on a house in Gaza, including 4 children.

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UPDATE: Number of Palestinians killed in Gaza by Israeli bombardment rises to 230, including 64 children.

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“I’ve gone without many meals to make this dream come true.”

More than $70,000 has been raised to help Samir Mansour, the owner of a beloved Palestinian bookshop in Gaza that was destroyed by an Israeli airstrike. LIVE updates:

•Gaza officials say material losses Gaza suffered during Israel’s current offensive amounts to at least $322m

•184 residential towers, houses, & 33 media centres demolished

•At least 1,335 housing units completely or severely demolished

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Norway’s sovereign wealth fund has decided to dump two companies involved in the development of Israeli settlements in the occupied West Bank.

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A Palestinian father recounts the moment he lost two of his daughters, two sons, and wife in the Israeli air attack that targeted their building, without prior warning

The UNGA will convene to discuss Israel’s ongoing offensive on Gaza on Thursday, as the US blocks a statement by the UNSC calling for an immediate ceasefire - for the third time.

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The US has blocked at least 53 UN Security Council resolutions against Israel since 1953.

The latest veto comes amid Israeli bombardment of Gaza that has killed at least 230 Palestinians, including 65 children

The UNRWA appealed for help revealing it needed nearly $40 million in order to assist with humanitarian efforts in Gaza and the occupied territories.

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“The ICU units are completely overcrowded. The al-Shifa hospital [in Gaza] has only 10 beds available and now they extended that 35 beds” - Journalist @YoumnaElSayed17

26 people were brought to the hospital so far on Thursday.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 “If there is a hell on earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza.”

- UN Secretary-General Antonio Guterres.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 “A ceasefire will be welcomed but a lot of Palestinians [are wondering] ... what will [we] get out of it, are we going to get the status quo, is nothing going to change?” - Al Jazeera's Hoda Abdel-Hamid.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 No unified statement expected from UNGA.

“We are seeing individually very strong statements, as a group, we do not expect any unified statement ... just like we have yet to see one from the Security Council” - Al Jazeera’s Kristen Saloomey

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@YoumnaElSayed17 Tunisia decries killing of children in Gaza.

“What crime could be worse than killing innocent children, including infants?” - Tunisia's FM Othman Jerandi asked at the UN General Assembly’s emergency meeting.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 “One [rocket] has fallen on a soccer field in a large Arab community. Regretfully for us, it did not result in mass deaths there.”

Israeli journalist Kobi Finkler fired lamenting Arabs were not killed in rocket attack.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 US defends its widely criticised efforts to broker ceasefire in the besieged Gaza strip.

“We have not been silent.”

Washington found itself isolated at the UN over its opposition to any Security Council action.

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@YoumnaElSayed17 UPDATE: At least 232 Palestinians have been killed by Israel’s military campaign, including 65 children, says Gaza Health Ministry.

More than 1,900 have been wounded.

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