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Human Rights | Public Policy| Public Health| Governance| Hurford Fellow 2023 | Troublemaker General | Ikorodu l’óga wa! | Non ducor duco | rinuoduala@gmail.com

May 20, 2021, 15 tweets

Today makes it the 7th month that the Nigerian government sent military operatives to shoot at protesters and no single person has been held culpable.

Thread of pictures/videos of Lekki Toll Gate Victims. Graphic images ‼️ #EndSARS

Where are the bodies? #EndSARS

Where are the bodies? #EndSARS

Who gave the order to shoot at protesters? #EndSARS

Shot at while sitting on the ground protesting against police brutality. #EndSARS

Who gave the order? #EndSARS

When they ask you what happened, tell them the Nigerian Government shot at its own citizens. #EndSARS

Where are the bodies? #EndSARS

At Granville hospital, the doctor testified he treated 15 patients.

Referred 4 out because he couldn't remove the bullet from their bodies which was in between critical organs and he didn't want to record loss of lives. #EndSARS

Who gave the order? #EndSARS

Why shoot at protesters holding flags in their hands? #EndSARS

Shot at Lekki Toll Gate by the Nigerian Army. #EndSARS

Killed in cold blood. #EndSARS

This is a LASUTH memo from their HQ warning staff not to talk to the press.

LASUTH is one of the hospitals victims were transferred to during the shooting. #EndSARS

While shooting at protesters at Lekki Toll Gate, protesters were also being shot at Alausa, Ikeja on the 20th of October, 2020.

Who are the forces beyond control?


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