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May 20, 2021, 10 tweets

8 states in the country have more than 1 lakh active cases, 9 states have between 50,000-1 lakh active cases and 19 states have less than 50,000 active cases: Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry


Some states like Karnataka and West Bengal that are showing positivity of over 25% remain a concern: Lav Agarwal

Maharashtra, Rajasthan, UP have shown remarkable drop in positivity over the past few weeks. Same is also true for Haryana, Chhattisgarh: Centre

194 districts are showing rise in cases, 121 districts are showing rise in positivity: Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry

Containment has resulted in checking rise in infections in Tier 2 & 3 towns: Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry

Need for proper crowd management at vaccination centres to check spread: Lav Agarwal, Joint Secretary, Union Health Ministry

More of Rapid Antigen Tests should be done because you can get results rapidly and then isolate the patient quickly: Dr Balram Bhargava, DG, ICMR

Our target is to do 25 lakh tests by the end of this month and 45 lakh tests by the end of June: Dr Balram Bhargava, DG, ICMR

For home testing for COVID19, one company has already made the application, and 3 are in the pipeline. Within a next week, we should have another 3 companies: Dr Balram Bhargava, DG, ICMR

Step 1 is that you buy the test kit from a chemist; Step 2- download mobile app; Step 3- conduct the test at home; step 4- click mobile image and upload, test result will be given. Within 3-4 days this should be available in the market: Dr Balram Bhargava, ICMR

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