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May 20, 2021, 5 tweets

Israel launched new airstrikes in occupied Gaza on Thursday, killing at least 1 person and hospitalizing entire families.

Airstrikes have killed at least 230 Palestinians, including 65 children. On Wednesday, a strike killed a man, his pregnant wife and their 3-year-old child.

The WHO appealed for Israel to allow humanitarian aid into Gaza, including #COVID19 vaccines, as hospitals face medical shortages.

Israeli airstrikes have hit at least 6 hospitals and destroyed roads leading to them. Israel has only allowed 5 trucks of aid to enter this week.

The WHO says occupied Gaza is facing a "public health crisis" after 11 days of Israeli airstrikes:

▪️ 24 health facilities damaged
▪️ 3 water plants out of service
▪️ Hospitals facing fuel/power shortages
▪️ At least 230 killed, incl. 65 children
▪️ Over 1,700 people wounded

1,800+ homes in occupied Gaza have been rendered uninhabitable by Israeli airstrikes.

Groups say 50+ schools are damaged or completely destroyed, halting education for 42,000 children.

The UN chief says: "If there is a hell on Earth, it is the lives of children in Gaza."

Doctors Without Borders says Israel blocked medics entering Gaza, where the health system is running out of critical supplies and "faces shortages even when there's no bombing."

The WHO also says medics have been obstructed, beaten and even detained in the occupied West Bank.

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