Dr Duncan Robertson Profile picture
Policy & Strategy Analytics academic at Loughborough University; Fellow, St Catherine's College, Oxford. Member, @IndependentSage.

May 20, 2021, 11 tweets

20 incidents/outbreaks in care homes last week - although some signs that these produce fewer hospitalizations. Let's hope that continues.

5 incidents/outbreaks in hospitals last week.

66 incidents/outbreaks in educational settings last week

Data caveat: "a national school helpline started on 17 Sep 2020 ... universities ... on 7 Oct ... impact on number of situations/outbreaks being reported to HPTs in these settings" (full caveat wording at end of thread)

No incidents/outbreaks in prisons last week.


21 incidents/outbreaks in workplace settings last week.

Only 1 incident/outbreak in food outlets/restaurants last week.

144 incidents/outbreaks in 'other' settings last week

Data caveats

Breakdown of educational settings by school etc type

Contacts by exposure/activity.

Worth remembering during this period we were still in Step 2 reopening (before more indoor mixing allowed)

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