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May 21, 2021, 6 tweets

Every friday we round up the best #sketchnotes that came up this week...

1/6) The amazing @lizandmollie make the list

2/6) Asking better #questions makes the world a better place!
@chrisspalton captures a session at the #Levelupweek2021 talks on #questions!

3/6) We work with stories and leadership. We found this #Sketchnote capturing why leaders need stories compelling

4/6) A summary of the Adaption-Innovation Theory by @halo_psych makes the list this week

5/6) #GoogleIO2021 is trending with all their new announcements for the platform. We found a keynote summary by @lariki for you.

6/6) Mentoring is an art! We agree.
@tnvora our absolute favorite makes the list this week with a #sketchnote on the Art of #Mentoring

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