Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

May 21, 2021, 5 tweets


US Capitol riot case I'm watching closely today. 10am hearing for Kyle Fitzsimons of Maine. He's in jail, pending trial. I'm waiting to see if feds mention plea deal negotiations.

The violent accusations against Fitzsimons are unique and barbaric ==>

Fitzsimons is accused of pushing, grabbing police and trying to pull police into the mob

Feds: He lowered, shoulder & charged into police line. Feds: He pulled an officer's gas mask off, as another in mob sprayed officer in the face

Then there's the butcher coat .....

Feds say Fitzsimons called Trump a lion leading an army of lambs. Fitzsimons allegedly left Trump rally & put on a butcher coat with unstrung bow

According to court docs, Fitzsimons would say "If it were the last day of the republic, he wanted to live it like he did every day"

Feds also allege a series of troubling calls by US Capitol riot defendant Kyle Fitzsimons of Maine against his Member of Congress after the election:

Saying he was going to "give it to her hard" and "coming for her"

He pleaded NOT GUILTY to charges in April. Though plea deal discussions have been mentioned, Fitzsimons has added new lawyer. I'll be watching 10am hearing closely

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