Jubril A. Gawat Profile picture
Senior Special Assistant on New Media to Governor @jidesanwoolu | Active Citizen (Online & Offline).. | LAGOS Blood| Oko Aisha ❤️|

May 21, 2021, 22 tweets





The THEMES Agenda of Governor @jidesanwoolu ... The H stands for “HEALTH” and Environment, So the achievements match the Developmental Agenda of the Current Administration.


On the Infrastructure side:
Recently Commissioned projects:
- Maternal, Childcare Centre (MCC) in Badagry.
- Upgrade of School of Anesthesia, Badagry
- Maternal, Childcare Centre, Epe
- School of Basic Medical Sciences (LASUCOM)


Major Ongoing initiatives:
- Construction of 280 bed General Hospital, Ojo
- Construction of the New Massey Children’s Hospital
- Renovation of Ebute Metta Health Center
- Construction and equipping of Psychiatric Hospital, Majidun/Ketu/Ejinrin


- Renovation of Harvey Road Health Center

- Renovation of General Hospital, Isolo

- Upgrading of General Hospital, Odan



On Training :
- 60 Midwives got Advanced Live Saving Skills Training

- 400 Nurses/Midwives got trained Mobile Learning Application Devices

- Capacity Building for Primary and Secondary Facilities on Integrated Management of Childhood illnesses


More on Training:
- 944 Workers (consultants, pharmacists etc were recruited to improve Service Delivery and meet health needs of Lagosians

- 500 personnel trained on Basic Life Support (BLS)

- 200 persennel trained on Advanced Cardiac Center Life Support (ACLS)


- 50 Medical Officers admitted into Residency training for nFamily Medicine, Pediatrics, Anesthesia, Obstetrics & Gynecology

- 10 Medical officers commenced a fully sponsored training in Anesthesia at Badagry

- 35 nurses granted approval for training in A & E


On E-Health:
- Lagos was the FIRST Govt Agency in Nigeria certified to manage sensitive personal data from NDPR in compliance with @NITDANigeria and trained 500 Healthcare Professionals on Data Protection & Governance



- Launch of ILERA EKO Health Scheme to target 1 million Households

- Launch of N50m Sexual Violence Intervention Fund for victims of Sexual Violence @DSVRT

- Setting aside a 1% of the State Consolidated revenue as equity fund contribution for vulnerable.



- Training of 64 Ambulance Personnel on Basic Life Support
- Training of 50 drivers on First Aid in April 2021 by Trauma Care Foundation
- Construction of 7 more Ambulance points
- Procurement of 7 MICU Ambulances


- Launch of the Lagos State Wellness Center For State employees

- Construction of a 500-bed Psychiatric Hospital (process ongoing)

- Launch of Lagos Lifeline for Mental health support @LagosMiND


Lagos State AIDS Control Agency (@LSACA_NG)
- Empowerment of SMEs (barbers, cosmetologists) with 1500 sterilizing kits for HIV/AIDS Prevention

- Sensitization of 50 private sector Organizations HR Managers on HIV/AIDS Workplace Policy



Lagos State AIDS Control Agency (@LSACA_NG) .. continued

- Sensitization of 200 visually/hearing impaired persons on HIV Protection

- Empowerment of members of the Network of People living with HIV (NEPWHAN), Lagos State Chapter with sewing machines.


- Opening of Idera Secual Assault Center (SARC) to provide support for victims of Sexual Violence @JokeSanwoolu

- Establishment of 2 young mums hospital at Ikorodu & Mushin to reduce maternal morbidity and mortality from Teenage Pregnancy



Several interventions and support for Lagos residents on:

- World Sight Day
- World Glaucoma Day
- Cancer Control Programme
- World Tuberculosis Day
- Tuberculosis Control Program

- Launch of 3 Mobile Chest X-Ray FREE Screening for communities @jidesanwoolu


THE #COVID19 CHALLENGE .... The Incident Commander, Governor @jidesanwoolu constantly updating the Public with Information/Restrictions etc .. while @ProfAkinAbayomi gives the technical information.
Mr Governor got several Local & International commendation.


- Over 200,000 vaccinated

- State by State Analysis (Lagos has vaccinated the highest)

- Vaccination according to LGA (Eti Osa is the highest)

- Adverse Effects Analysis



- 4,187 Health facilities are registered with the Agency

- 143 sealed for several non-compliance reasons

- Sensitization Workshop for 1, 372 health facilities on Infection Prevention & Control



Traditional Medicine Board:

- Rehabilitation of Medical Plant Garden, Idera Epe

- Enrollment of over 2000 Herbal Products Sellers

- Inauguration of a 67 member Taskforce for monitoring

- Mandatory training for Traditional Medical Practitioners



- Lagos State Infectious Disease Research Center

- 300-bed Permanent Isolation Center

- State of the Art Doctors Quarters

- Complete Revamp of LASAMBUS and construction of Multi-Ambulance Bay


Lagos State Medical, Industrial and Innovation Zone (LASMIIZO)


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