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I’ve read the QDrops so you don’t have to. disinformation expert. Sex Bot Master.

May 21, 2021, 6 tweets

Qtah with some delightful revisionist history of what happened during the election. At 11:20 FOX News called Arizona for Biden. The "Red Mirage" was a well understood event and that Wisconsin, Michigan, and Pennsylvania are going to take a while to count.

Why did Q not remove Roberts? What was the point of getting Gorsuch, Kav, and ACB on the Court if Roberts was the Deep State's ultimate weapon? What good is Trump's non-concession if he lost? The whole point of QAnon was to win, wasn't it?

Total denial of reality about January 6th. If Antifa left a trail why aren't they arrested? Why are so many MAGA fans in jail blaming Trump for their plight?

Arizona Audit hyping. The usual song and dance there. This time we're gonna win for really reals. Remember all it would have took to gum this thing up was a million dollar bond and nobody thought it was worth it.

It's always soon. It's always just about to happen. Trump will be back any day now, just you wait and see!

I'm gonna spend the rest of the evening trying to decode how they did Shirley's hair like this. That seems like a lot of work to me.

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