Boo Soon Yew 🇲🇾 Profile picture
A Liverpool Fan from Malaysia.. who is also a born-again Christian and has a keen interest in education.. now embracing a political responsibility + catman meow

May 21, 2021, 11 tweets

In case many are not aware, Kedah has been seeing a surge of #COVID19 cases, with 434 cases yesterday, surpassing even Penang !! Then we have this.. from Kedah Chairperon, Committee for Health & Local Govt.. 😔
20th May 2021, 7.04pm…

It then begs the question..
How this Kedah reach this point ?
Case numbers for comparison:
21/5: 434
20/5: 417
19/5: 445
18/5: 244
17/5: 236
16/5: 363
15/5: 239
14/5: 228
13/5: 193
12/5: 226

Among the clues will be when more details of certain clusters are revealed.. like Kluster Dah Lengkuas.. (Kedah clusters now have the extra "Dah" in front, like when we had "Bah" for Sabah clusters last year)..…

Kluster Dah Lengkuas was announced on 30th Apr 2021..
Index cases include those who made a trip to Genting Highlands, travel bubble that was allowed then..…

Subsequently, EMCO was announced for Genting View Resort & many other neighbouring Apartments..
8th May 2021, 7.36pm…

EMCO announced for Genting View Resort & surrounding Apartments.. scheduled for 10th May till 23rd May .. has since been rescinded with decreasing cases.
16th May 2021, 7.49pm…

As for Kluster Dah Lengkuas, at last count on 7th May 2021, there were total of 16 cases.

Then we have another cluster that emerged in Kedah that would be worrying.. Kluster Dah Amanjaya 2, involving staff & patients at a Hospital .. announced on 11th May 2021, starting then with a total of 28 cases..

Looking at the latest count of cases.. Kluster Dah Amanjaya 2 had a total of 57 cases with 1 in ICU, and 4 deaths.
Updated till 20th May 2021.. Definitely an ongoing cluster of concern !!

Then there is also the religious cluster.. Dah Penghulu, announced on 11th May 2021 also.. yielding total of 27 cases then.

Latest figures on 19th May 2021 show Kluster Dah Penghulu having total of 38 cases with 1 death.

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