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Host Silk & Steel Podcast on China, history, culture, politics @SteelSilkn, wife:@BaliEarthSoul

May 22, 2021, 13 tweets

Mao’s grandson still appears in limelight bc his appearance and his grandpa. But it was Mao’s nephew Mao Yuanxin 毛远新 that was groomed for leadership during Cultural Revolution. 新 Xin in his name because he was born in Urumqi, #Xinjiang in 1941 where Mao’s brother worked

Mao's younger brother Mao Zemin was sent to USSR in 1938 via #Xinjiang for medical treatment, but outbreak of plague at Sino-Soviet border forced him to stay. He became finance minister to Soviet backed Xinjiang warlord Sheng Shicai and married Zhu Danhua

During Battle of Moscow in 1941 and in the aftermath of Pearl Harbor, #Xinjiang warlord Sheng Shicai felt USSR power waning and US backed Chiang Kai-shek star rising. Sheng pledge allegiance to Chiang and purged Communists in Xinjiang. He ordered arrest and execution of Mao Zemin

Mao Yuanxin was less than 2 yr old when his Dad was executed. He and his mom were jailed 4 yrs til 1946 during KMT and Communists peace talks. That's 1st time Mao Yuanxin and his mom met Mao Zedong.

In 1951, Mao Yuanxin's mom brought him to Beijing to visit Mao. Mao Yuanxin wanted to stay in Beijing and live with Uncle Mao. Ever since Mao raised his nephew like his own son. Mao family photo: Mao and wife Jiang Qin, their daughter Li Na and Mao Yuanxin.

Mao's wife Jiang Qin also raised Mao's nephew Mao Yuanxin as her own son, even favored him over her own daughter Li Na. Jiang Qin helped setup Mao Yuanxin as the "King of Northeast" 东北王 during Cultural Revolution. He became Jiang's helper in power struggle against Zhou Enlai.

In 1975, old Mao's condition worsened, his speech slurred and rarely appeared in public. His nephew Mao Yuanxin who stayed by his side became Chairman's official channel to communicate w the world.

As Zhou Enlai diagnosed w cancer, he helped reinstated Deng Xiaoping to help run the country. Jiang Qin and Mao Yuanxin then took aim at rehabilitated Deng. Younger Mao would tell his Uncle that Deng is not excited abt implementing Cultural Revolution

Aft Zhou Enlai passed away in Jan 1976, Gang of Four prohibited large scale commemoration. On April 5th Tomb Sweeping Festival, large crowd gathered on Tiananmen Square to commemorate Zhou Enlai. Mao Yuanxin told Uncle Mao that Deng using Zhou death 2 attack Cultural Revolution

aft listening to his nephew's report, Mao ordered crackdown on Tiananmen "Riot" and purge of Deng Xiaoping frm Politburo. 50k militia were called up but bc several hundred thousands occupied the square. Beijing police waited til most went home aft 11pm to clear the square.

Soon aft Mao's death in 1976, Mao Yuanxin was arrested along w Gang of 4. Aft his return to power, Deng Xiaoping had Mao Yuanxin sentenced to 17yrs in prison. Mao only got out in 1989 on medical parole while another Tiananmen protest brewing

Deng Xiaoping as he removed Mao's successor Hua Guofeng frm power told Hua "you at least made great contribution by arresting Gang of Four, otherwise BOTH of us will be under the thumbs of Mao Yuanxin" Bc younger Mao was Mao's favorite and Hua was seen as a caretaker leader

Mao Yuanxin only appeared in public eye again in 2013 with Mao Zedong's grandson's family in #Xinjiang to commemorate 70th anniversary of the death of 陈潭秋 Chen Tanqiu, his father Mao Zemin's comrades who was also executed by warlord Sheng Shicai in Urumqi.

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