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CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

May 22, 2021, 8 tweets


Judge has ordered US Capitol Insurrection defendant Dan Caldwell of Texas held in jail, until trial.

Trust me, his case is worth a closer look..

First of all.. this photo. (Feds say that's Caldwell attacking several officers w/ chemical spray)

Prosecutors say this photo shows Caldwell - a former US Marine - using a Baofeng radio. (amateur, special channel radio)

They say it's evidence he was "coordinating" during the attack

FBI agents say a witness in their investigation called Caldwell a 'complete wacko" and a "white supremacist"

About the supremacist allegation. The ex-wife of the accused Insurrectionist was asked by prosecutors whether Caldwell ever made "racial comments"

And..... court docs say she **paused** before answering...

The feds say US Capitol riot defendant Daniel Caldwell has a history of violence and isn't safe to release.

They cite a domestic violence incident, in which he's accused of slamming his wife into a table and yanking the phone from the wall, when she tried to call 9-1-1

Oh... and prosecutors say Caldwell grew violent during a DUI stop in 2013.

They say when officers tried to draw blood, Caldwell needed to be restrained and taken to hospital for the test

At the hospital, feds say Caldwell fought so hard he *broke* the hospital bed

For what it's worth... while searching his home, agents say Caldwell's ex-wife confirmed it was him in the images from the Capitol grounds on Jan 6

As a coda to all this. And to the 26-page ruling from the DC federal judge ordering Caldwell remain jailed..... the judge cites this moment from January 6.


Here's the order:…

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