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📷 Steve McCurry, Brazil, from On Reading ||| "Our doubt is our passion, & our passion is our task. The rest is the madness of art." - Henry James

May 22, 2021, 5 tweets

Dr. Otto Boehler
Anton Bruckner pays his respects to Richard Wagner

Today, Wagner's birthday, I'll do the same. Listening to the Tristan prelude:

I believe in God, Mozart, and Beethoven.
~Richard Wagner, born on this day in 1813
Sir Leslie Ward, published in Vanity Fair 19 May 1877

Richard Wagner by Chevalier Luigi Bernieri, for Elliott & Fry
chlorobromide print on cream card mount, 1881
"Monsieur Wagner a de beaux moments, mais de mauvais quart d'heures."
(Monsieur Wagner has good moments, but awful quarters of an hour!)
- Gioachino Rossini

Richard Wagner by David Levine
"Is Wagner a human being at all? Is he not rather a disease? He contaminates everything he touches — he has made music sick."
- Friedrich Nietzsche, Der Fall Wagner (1888

"I like Wagner’s music better than any other music. It is so loud that one can talk the whole time, without people hearing what one says."
- Oscar Wilde
For his birthday, another clever put-down of Wagner, & another wonderful David Levine caricature. I do love his music, though.

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