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Patriot, standing on the shoulders of Giants. Bringing joy, I hope.

May 22, 2021, 10 tweets

1/ This guy’s smart

Really smart

Yet he says 1/7 is a laughable farce- while saying the eIection was a miIitary trap

My theory is that - like Ca+es, who now openly supports 1/7 - he is smart enough to brings more Normies into the circle of What’s Really Happening

He knows...

2/ Two things:

That many minds have been poisoned against the 1/7 brand (even conservatives)

& more importantly

*It doesn’t matter now*

The important thing is to bring people into Reality & break them from the MSM narrative

We have more than we know

Which means

3/ We have all the evidence we need to prove

EIection Theft
Crimes Against Humanity

***That’s the end goal... NOT proving 1/7***

THE MiI is in Control & anyone who wants to see it can

We need to wake people up however we can

Nothing €an $+op What’s €oming


He says this

... but he thinks 1/7 - who called all of these *unthinkable* developments years ago (like miI control) - is a Iarp


5/ In fact I’m gonna share this whole thread just because it’s fascinating

He theorizes all this while simultaneously mocking 1/7


6/ ...

7/ & the finale

Read all the screenshots I’ve posted

It no longer matters what people think of 1/7

The *Truth* is available to anyone now

[Their] secrets have been laid bare on the Internet for anyone who honestly wants to know them

We have more than we know

8/ Oh look at that

“The best is yet to come”

I think we have our answer

9/ Newer stuff... wherein he craps on
1/7 while saying demonstrating that what 1/7 said would happen is happening

It’s a good read


He just seems to claim that POTUS Trump set everything up, as opposed to a miI plan

Again: Riiiiiiiight 😉

10/ And the 2nd part

Again: 1/7’s validation isn’t what matters

He’s waking people up to reality

Which was 1/7’s whole goal

He himself cIaims it’s so big & unprecedented, it’s be beyond belief

How doesn’t matter: He’s just waking up as many people as he can

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