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Belarusian politician. Chief Political Advisor to Sviatlana @Tsihanouskaya. Alum of @americanU. Contact:

May 23, 2021, 9 tweets

BREAKING! The regime landed @Ryanair plane, which was flying from Athens to Vilnius,in order to arrest the famous Belarusian journalist Roman Protasevich. In Belarus, he faces the death penalty. Belarus has seized a plane,put passengers in danger, in order to repress an opponent

Raman Pratasevich is a Belarusian journalist and @belamova editor. He actively covered the events of the 2020 election campaign and the subsequent protests. Belarusian security forces started several criminal cases against him, the KGB put him on the terrorist list.

By the @nexta_tv Mig-29 fighter jet was used to "lead" the RyanAir aircraft to Minsk's airport. Reasons for such actions? Lukashenka's media report the plane was landed because of the conflict between a crew member and a passenger. Before that, they told there was a bomb.

Raman Pratasevich noticed the surveillance at the airport of Athens. In his messages, he wrote that a man next to him in line at the border control tried to take pictures of his documents and then just left.

Passengers of the flight about Raman Pratasevich's detention: «At first he panicked, then calmed down a bit, but still was trembling. He said he'll face the death penalty here. He was taken aside, his belongings dumped on the runway».

It's official now: the pilots landed the plane by the notification of the ACT of Belarus about the potential threat on board.

The world is talking about Belarus. Lukashenka's military hijacked @Ryanair plane & took Belarusian journalist Raman Pratasevich hostage. From now on, no one can feel safe in Belarus airspace - the regime possesses total control over it & doesn't care about the legal obligations.

Most of the @Ryanair passengers arrived in Vilnius safely except Raman and his girlfriend Sofa, a Russian citizen. She accompanied him on this flight. During the last months, she volunteered, worked on several social projects. Not detention is the scarest, but the interrogation.

Thanks to all the witnesses giving their testimonies. Raman Pratasevich was taken hostage for telling the truth. He must be released immediately. By this obviously staged operation, Lukashenka's regime had put in danger hundreds of lives. The impunity must be stopped.

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