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Malign Russian/Organically Ruthless/Chaos Bomb/#STRATDELA/#hyperhype/@IMEMO_RAN /Spartak Msk/Views personal/Odessa will be free

May 23, 2021, 10 tweets

Some of you might have noticed a claim by Almaz-Antey head Yan Novikov that X-37B can carry up to 3 ("smaller one") or 6 ("bigger one") nuclear warheads:…

I've decided to watch a full speech...and now I have mixed feelings.


It can be found here:
(but the interface is not very intuitive).


I've made some screenshots with his slides (sorry for the quality). HTV-2 and X-51A remain quite popular within the Russian military industry...but X-37B hype is unmatched, unexpectedly.


But he acknowledged that traditional cruise missiles are way more important. UAVs as well. Still, main trends are increased speed and stealth. And integration. Russia also has this stuff, but we also need to invest in defense.


Because there are plenty of external and internal factors increasing the role of Air-Space Defense!

Note that part on a possibility of ASD systems use as an extra strike systems capability, as well as strike systems employment as a part of ASD.


Main tech, superiority or equality in which makes balance possible:
- hypersonic flight vehicles (materials and communications)
- directed energy weapons
- systems integration
- EW and cyber
- Stealth


Early warning, multifunctional radars, missiles.

("almost got fired because of Poliment-Redut issues")


Air/Missile defense systems are capable of hitting anything.

Future: integration, integration, integration.


Layered air-space defense ("everyone is doing it")
(note counterspace capabilities)

Early warning contibutes to strategic deterrence...but it would be nice to be capable to hit some incoming stuff too.

(sad that last slide wasn't shown properly).


Looks like they know how to overhype, but also how to intercept.
Still, there is respect towards peers (i.e. "...Americans are behind us in Air defense because they did not need to focus on it, unlike missile defenses, where we are trying to catch up...").


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