Jeff Coltin Profile picture
NYC political reporter with @PoliticoNY, co-authoring New York Playbook. 🌵➡️🗽 Used to be at @CityandStateNY

May 23, 2021, 5 tweets

I am at the Andrew Yang versus Paperboy Prince basketball game. Gale Brewer is here too.

Yang and Prince talk about spreading love in a time of increasing hate crimes. Yang says this is a good example of the power of ranked-choice voting.

No candidate is less afraid of public humiliation than @AndrewYang, between the Ziwe interview and dancing to “Yang, You about to Lose.”

“I have all these memories of Jay-Z on all these songs but I was never sure if it was his song or something he was guesting on... should have said “Dirt off your Shoulder,” or something from that era... I’m sorry Jay.”

Politicians are stealing journalist’s jobs.

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