Hillel Neuer Profile picture
International human rights lawyer, writer, Executive Director of United Nations Watch. BA, BCL, LLB, LLM & Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. 🇨🇦🇨🇭

May 23, 2021, 5 tweets

Dear International Bar Association @IBAnews:

Your Israel-Palestine panel tomorrow has 5 for the Palestine side—@_SEDill @leilasadat1 @AdHaque110 @RizKhanShows @omarmdajani—but you forgot to get 1 for the Israel side.

Also, see the McCarthyite list your organizer is creating:

The IBA staffer organizing the event, Sara Elizabeth Dill @_SEDill, is an anti-Israel activist who routinely accuses the Jewish state of "atrocities" yet has never once condemned terrorist Hamas or Islamic Jihad for targeting civilians. twitter.com/search?q=from%…

When @SecBlinken spoke about Yom Hashoah & Holocaust remembrance, this IBA Arab Region staffer complained: "And yet they have the audacity to speak against the ICC & question its jurisdiction over modern day war crimes & genocide."

Who's the "they" & which modern-day "genocide"?

Article 1 of the IBA constitution provides that the association is "non-political" and "shall not entertain any matter which is political in character.”

So why do they allow Sara Elizabeth Dill to promote her extreme anti-Israel political agenda with tomorrow's one-sided panel?

She's not a staffer but rather her precise International Bar Association title is: "Arab Region Liaison Officer for the IBA War Crimes Committee."

Committee Co-Vice Chair Sareta Ashraph drafted chapters of the UN's infamous 2009 Goldstone Report which was celebrated by Hamas.

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