Hillel Neuer Profile picture
International human rights lawyer, writer, Executive Director of United Nations Watch. BA, BCL, LLB, LLM & Doctor of Laws, Honoris Causa. 🇨🇦🇨🇭
🇬🇧DR.Renton🐸🇺🇸⭐⭐⭐PM-Elect✝️🇧🇷🇮🇹⌛️🥓🤣🐶 Profile picture ULTRA MAGA BARBARA TRUMPLORABLE-TRUMP WON- LGB! Profile picture Sue Strong @strong_sue@mastodon.sdf.org 🇺🇦 Profile picture Postcards of the Hanging(s) Profile picture ((Ernesto ElZeide))) Profile picture 41 subscribed
Jul 18 7 tweets 3 min read
Meet Nawaf Salam, president of the World Court. As Lebanon's UN rep, he voted 11 times for the Islamic Regime in Iran, blocked Security Council action for Assad's victims and backed tyrants Lukashenko and Fidel Castro. He voted against Israel 210 times.
unwatch.org/report-head-of… 2/ When ICJ President @nawafasalam was at the UN, he consistently sided with the Islamic Regime in Iran. Over 11 years, he voted against 11 UN General Assembly resolutions that condemned the fundamentalist regime’s violations against its people.
Jul 12 9 tweets 4 min read
BREAKING: Hamas war room and killer drones found in UNRWA Headquarters in Gaza City. IDF finds Hamas surveillance ops room, huge quantities of weapons, tactical drones, rockets, machine guns, mortars, explosives and grenades.

📍UNRWA Pledging Conference opens today, 10 am in NY 2/ Today when he addresses the UNRWA Pledging Conference in New York, expect commissioner general Philippe Lazzarini to deliver his usual “We did not know what was under our noses” defence.
Jun 18 8 tweets 5 min read
Mehdi Hassan: “UN set up independent inquiry, Israel refused to give evidence.”

Let's unpack the lies.

1. Chair herself said she had “excellent cooperation” with 🇮🇱; her mandate was NOT to identify the terrorists; and Israel is sharing info with separate UN inquiry run by OIOS. 2/ What Catherine Colonna said at the United Nations about how her report was misrepresented by the media completely demolishes Mehdi Hassan's claims. (As he blocked me, I need you to tag @mehdirhasan so he will see this.)

Q: How would you characterize the Israeli cooperation with you, given that as you may have seen today, the main takeaway from your report is Israel has yet to provide any evidence for its allegations that UNRWA personnel were involved in the October 7th attack. So how would you characterize that cooperation and this main takeaway?

Catherine Colonna: Thank you. I covered everybody when I said that we received very good cooperation from everywhere, including Israel. I could go in details who received us and so on and so forth, but I want to repeat that we had an excellent cooperation from all sides.

Now about one of the quotes—I couldn't read everything this morning—but one of the quotes that have been issued does not respect, I think, the text of the report. We have written – and the beauty of writing reports is that you can refer to what's written—we've written that UNRWA has not received evidence by Israel, not that there is no evidence. It's very different.

So please, again and again, refer to the content of the report and not to what you hear sometimes about it. I would really appreciate if you could base your comments and base your judgments on the content and not on preconceived opinions.

Q: You stated that Israel has given no evidence to UNRWA about their claims that any UNRWA employees took part in October 7th, but did you during your investigation ask Israel for evidence?

Catherine Colonna: Thank you for this opportunity to have me repeating that there must be no confusion between what we've been tasked for, which is assessing whether UNRWA does everything in its power to ensure neutrality and address challenges, etc., and what the OIOS is in charge of. There are two separate missions. So allegations regarding individuals, a difficult case, are in the scope of the OIOS mission. It is not the scope of our mandate.

And by the way, it is no surprise that Israel did not provide evidence to UNRWA because it doesn't owe this evidence during the investigation to UNRWA, but to the OIOS. And my understanding is that they have a better cooperation now than at the beginning, and that the team will, their investigators will return there soon. So this is a separate, separate mission.
Jun 6 9 tweets 5 min read
Today: UNRWA chief Lazzarini in Bundestag denies he reinstated Hamas-linked school and union leader Fathi al-Sharif, decries “misinformation.”
4 days ago: UNRWA-linked site reports Lazzarini met alliance including Hamas & Islamic Jihad, agreed to “reinstate Fathi Al-Sharif.” 🧵Image According to Palestinian Refugees Portal, a news site funded by an UNRWA affiliate, “the Alliance of Palestinian Forces” (which includes Hamas and Islamic Jihad) held a meeting on Monday, June 30, with UNRWA Commissioner-General Philippe Lazzarini. /2
Jun 3 53 tweets 21 min read
Dear @AntonioGuterres: Acting under Article 3 of the United Nations Code of Conduct, we today filed a Complaint over financial misconduct by Francesca Albanese. We demand that you disclose all illegal payments she took since 2022, and all her expenses:
🧵 unwatch.org/wp-content/upl…

We requests that you commence an immediate and independent investigation into serious allegations that Ms. Albanese has been illegally requesting payments for work done in her official UN capacity, in gross violation of her solemn obligations under the Code of Conduct. /2
Jun 2 19 tweets 12 min read
BREAKING: UNRWA chief Philippe Lazzarini in Beirut reinstates Hamas-linked principal & union leader Fatah al-Sharif in “understandings” reached with Lebanese Prime Minister, in exchange for Islamist UNRWA union factions ending months-long strike tomorrow. refugeesps.net/post/27925/%D9…
Image In March, under pressure from UN Watch, UNRWA chief Lazzarini suspended al-Sharif for three months without pay over his Hamas ties. Yet instead of condemning his links to a terrorist group, al-Sharif's fellow UNRWA teachers and staff backed him—and went on strike in support. /2
May 28 30 tweets 16 min read
Meet Hind Khoudary. Tonight she's a star reporter for Channel 4. She's also famous for having informed on Rami Aman & other Gaza peace activists, getting Hamas to arrest them for the crime of doing a zoom with Israeli peace activists. Shame on you @Channel4 @C4Dispatches. 🧵🔽 /1
Image April 6, 2023: Gaza youth group founder Rami Aman holds a Zoom video call with 200 Israeli and Gaza peace activists to open a channel of communication between the two. He encourages participants to believe in peace and continue advocating for change. /2
May 17 6 tweets 2 min read
BREAKING: For first time, UNRWA's former general counsel James Lindsay testifying before Congress, now exposing the agency's failure to vet staff for terrorist ties. I'm sitting right next to him—it's a damning indictment from the inside like never before.

Image UNRWA's former general counsel James Lindsay: “It would not be surprising to learn that as many as half of UNRWA’s employees were Hamas supporters—of whom some likely would be Hamas members—which is not that different from what the Israeli government alleged.” /2
May 17 6 tweets 2 min read
UNRWA Got the Stimson Center to Cancel Me: Prominent DC think tank @StimsonCenter was pressured by UNRWA’s US lobbyist to disinvite me—after their @barbaraslavin1 confirmed me as a speaker—from their panel debate on Monday about allegations of UNRWA bias. unwatch.org/unrwas-dc-lobb… UNRWA also refused to appear in a recent European Parliament hearing with me. It is shameful that a UN agency funded by all of our democracies refuses to debate with one of the only groups that has held them accountable to their own stated principles. /2
May 12 13 tweets 5 min read
BREAKING: UN halves estimate of women and children killed in Gaza. As quoted in the article, let me explain how the UN's method for casualty counting in Gaza is the complete opposite of how they act in other conflict situations such as Ukraine. 🧵
nationalpost.com/news/world/isr… “The UN significantly adjusted Gaza casualty figures, halving the number of women and children previously reported killed. While more than 9,500 women & 14,500 children fatalities were reported by @UNOCHA on May 6, the number was two days later revised significantly downward.” /2
Apr 30 4 tweets 2 min read
Meet Haythem “Ethan” Abid. He runs the International Red Cross in Montreal. His job is to be neutral. But Abid marches in “Free Palestine” rallies, posts Hamas videos saying hostages love their captors and accuses Israel of “terrorism” & “genocide.” He says: “Fuck neutral shit.”
2/ Here's the Hamas propaganda video posted by the Red Cross Head of Office:

We ask you, @ICRCPresident Mirjana Spoljaric: When will you fire him? Why were all your ICRC colleagues who saw this silent? Why is 🇺🇸@RedCross giving you $670 million per year? instagram.com/p/CzLWc4HMrcF/
Apr 23 16 tweets 7 min read
The Swiss Parliament, before they decide whether or not to reinstate funding for UNRWA, has invited me to address their special hearing next week. I will testify as to the warnings we sent over a decade to UNRWA about its staff promotion of terrorism. They ignored every one. 🧵 2/ In September 2015 we warned UNRWA about 12 employees promoting terrorism & antisemitism, including UNRWA teacher Ramy Alshorbasy who promoted a blood libel, and staffer Wael Sallouh who cheered the June 2014 kidnapping and murder of three Israeli teens. unwatch.org/images-of-unrw…
Apr 16 15 tweets 7 min read
On Saturday, the Independent Review into UNRWA's terror ties will release its report. Donors will then decide if to reinstate funding. Just one problem: the entire investigation is rigged. Let's do a deep dive into who the UN picked, and how they admit it's to “provide cover”: 🧵 2/ Let's start with the inquiry chair. UNRWA chief Lazzarini promised to name an “independent entity.” In the end, he chose recently retired French foreign minister Catherine Colonna—just weeks after Lazzarini had showered praise on her, and she on UNRWA.unwatch.org/unrwa-chief-to…Image
Apr 7 6 tweets 3 min read
🇸🇦 Saudi Arabia, which tortures women’s rights activists, was unanimously elected chair of the U.N. Women Rights Commission.

They will preside over the March 2025 annual session attended by thousands.

We are now calling on all women's rights activists to announce they won't go. 2/ Despite some reforms, Saudi Arabia still has a horrific record on women's rights. On 16 November 2022, they arrested fitness instructor Manahel al-Otaibi for tweets supporting women’s rights and posting photos of herself without a black robe. She disappeared in November 2023. Image
Apr 1 7 tweets 7 min read
OUTRAGE: International Red Cross today makes ex-UNRWA chief Pierre Krähenbühl its new head. He was forced to quit UNRWA over damning internal ethics report, abuse of power & corruption scandal, his reported sexual affair with staffer during world trips.
📜swissinfo.ch/eng/politics/m… 2/ @swissinfo: “The ethics report says many in and outside UNRWA knew of the affair between the married Krähenbühl and his chief advisor, Maria Mohammedi. He was often at her workplace rather than his. They travelled business class together, while others travelled economy.” Image
Mar 22 11 tweets 9 min read
UNRWA: Hamas Chief Ismail Haniyeh Was One of Our Teachers

Ahmad Oueidat, UNRWA’s former Director of Professional Development and Curriculum: “UNRWA has tried to constitute a national platform and a long arm which would enable the Palestinian refugees to obtain their rights and first and foremost the Right of Return.”

"But what happened was the [West] saw that UNRWA was raising thousands and thousands of cadres, who could gradually contribute to the development of Palestinian society.”

“They saw that the UNRWA schools were giving rise to leaders. Many familiar names of politicians and leaders. First and foremost, we can mention Ismail Haniyeh, who was an UNRWA teacher, and so was Dr. Talal Naji, Secretary-General of the PFLP-GC.”

“The Israelis, the Americans, and the Western politicians felt that as long as UNRWA upholds its goals, it constitutes a source of danger. This is why they decided to corrupt it.”

"They planted [in the curricula] topics that have nothing to do with our values and our heritage, under the fancy slogans like neutrality, independence, impartiality, and humanity – as if UNRWA was not humane and neutral before.”

Source: Al-Hiwar TV, March 14, 2024, translated by @MEMRIReports memri.org/tv/fmr-unrwa-o… 2/ UNRWA is infested with terorrists.

In 2017 Hamas elected to its Politburo Yahya Sinwar as Chair, and also Suhail al-Hindi, head of the UNRWA Gaza staff union and boys school. He was chair of Gaza’s “Great March of Return” border riots that preceded the October 7th attacks.
Feb 21 7 tweets 3 min read
.@melaniejoly, you are the first Canadian Foreign Minister in history to promote a statement authored by a UN official accused of antisemitism. Francesca Albanese was just condemned by the US for her “antisemitic statements,” echoing condemnations issued by France and Germany. 🧵 2/ Minister Joly, the U.S. just stated: “Francesca Albanese has a history of using antisemitic tropes. Her most recent statements justifying, dismissing and denying the antisemitic undertones of Hamas' October 7 attack are unacceptable and antisemitic.”
Jan 28 11 tweets 4 min read
1/ UN secretary-general Antonio Guterres said he was “horrified” to learn of UNRWA staff ties to Hamas terrorism.

That's odd.

September 3, 2015: UN Watch Report: UNRWA Officials Operating 12 Separate Facebook Accounts Inciting Terrorism
unwatch.org/images-of-unrw… 2/ October 19, 2015: Report: UNRWA Employees Incite to Murder of Jews on Facebook
Jan 23 10 tweets 3 min read
Our exposé of UNRWA teachers promoting and encouraging terrorism in 🇩🇪 Germany’s Die Welt. Full text translated into English is below.
Image 2/ In Brazil:
Jan 19 11 tweets 3 min read
No Joke: the U.N. just announced the Islamic Republic of Iran will take the Presidency of the Conference on Disarmament, starting March 18th.

Having Ayatollah Khamenei preside over global nuclear weapons disarmament is like putting a serial rapist in charge of a women’s shelter. Image 2/ The Iranian regime's presidency will last until May 24th.

The agenda of the Conference contains the following core items: cessation of the nuclear arms race and nuclear disarmament; prevention of nuclear war, including all related matters; prevention of an arms race in outer space; effective international arrangements to assure non-nuclear-weapon States against the use or threat of use of nuclear weapons; new types of weapons of mass destruction and new systems of such weapons, radiological weapons; comprehensive programme of disarmament; and transparency in armaments.
Jan 15 23 tweets 14 min read
Five days ago, we exposed a Telegram group of 3,000 UNRWA teachers in Gaza replete with praise of the Hamas massacre of October 7th.

UNRWA cast doubt that they work for them. The UN spox disparaged us.

This 🧵 will show how the group admins and members are indeed part of UNRWA. 2/ Group admins include Safaa Mohammad Al Najjar from Rafah (UNRWA ID#30026166).

She often shares administrative information about UNRWA to the group, including UNRWA employee lists — like this massive file with 1,765 UNRWA Gaza teacher names and IDs: t.me/UNRWA_EDU/3510…
