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Writer, designer, epistemic justice warrior. Looking for the right pivot; let’s chat. She/they. #blacklivesmatter

May 23, 2021, 9 tweets

@theavalkyrie oh gosh. oh geez

@theavalkyrie Utopian/Dystopian by Sudtipos. Especially the former, which I modified for the @PostTechRadio logo.

@theavalkyrie @PostTechRadio Gotham has obviously been around forever, but there's something just so... special about it, especially at its Ultra weight. Proxima Nova gets close, but can't quite replace it.

@theavalkyrie @PostTechRadio Neutra is what people *really* want when they think they want Futura. It's beautiful in all its many weights and styles, and Neutra Display feels itself even harder. Neutra Text 2 tries to be less idiosyncratic, but in the process becomes Just Another Geo Sans, imho.

@theavalkyrie @PostTechRadio I haven't had occasion yet to use Blazeface by Ohno, but it's indescribably beautiful. I'm actually thinking of getting a tattoo set in it.

@theavalkyrie @PostTechRadio Prelude (Font Bureau) doesn't look *that* special in a font list, but it had a surprising amount of character compared to contemporaries during its heyday... as the UI font for the Palm Pre.

@theavalkyrie @PostTechRadio You might know Atlas Grotesk as one of the things that makes Dropbox Paper feel so special as a text editor. It's clean, inviting, with just the smallest hint of character.

@theavalkyrie @PostTechRadio If there's a font that could truly take on Gotham, it's Galano Grotesque, which I learned about from a tweet by @misaac85.

@theavalkyrie @PostTechRadio @misaac85 And finally (until I inevitably think of more), ITC Souvenir is very near and dear to my heart—both from the Choose Your Own Adventure books as a kid, as well as my appreciation of its unique letterforms as an adult. My CV is set in a combination of Neutra and Souvenir.

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