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May 24, 2021, 7 tweets

Globally, Covid cases have fallen since a terrifying peak last month.

It is too soon to declare victory, but the current trend is encouraging

🇪🇺The European Union suffered a nasty new wave of cases in early spring.

The trend is now emphatically lower as its vaccine rollout gathers pace

🇮🇳It looks as though that outbreak in India has peaked, even if the number of people falling ill remains appallingly high

🇺🇸In the U.S., the trend in new infections remains clearly downward — infections haven't been this low in 11 months — even if the disease is still far from being eradicated

🇬🇧In Britain, hit by the first significant variant of Covid but then the first big country to roll out the vaccine into the population, the disease also appears to be under control

🇹🇼For one discordant note, Taiwan is in the grip of its first outbreak.

That said, note the scale on this chart; its worst day to date has seen 700 new cases, a tiny number compared to the pain endured in other countries

What does that all mean for markets? @johnauthers explains

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