Scott MacFarlane Profile picture
CBS News Congressional Correspondent -- Syracuse Univ Alum -- 90's R&B superfan

May 24, 2021, 8 tweets

ALERT: Judge rules US Capitol riot defendant Lonnie Coffman MUST REMAIN in jail, pending trial

Coffman is the man accused of having 11 Molotov cocktails & weapons in pickup truck on Capitol Hill Jan 6

Judge's order includes series of other alarming accusations (THREAD)

Judge's order says Capitol riot defendant Lonnie Coffman did a drive around DC - including around US Capitol - on December 11, 2020

And attempted to drive to Texas Senator Ted Cruz's home.

Then - feds say - Coffman called the office ...

Ted Cruz staffer told feds Lonnie Coffman seemed 'unbalanced" and "not 100% there" during his call to Cruz office (Senate offices receive so many phone calls, it's notable staffer recalls this call)

"wanting to help w/ election fraud"

Then there's the militia allegations ...

Feds say they found paper in Coffman's wallet which links him to Camp Lonestar in Texas

Coffman was allegedly part of 2014 activity there "where he was armed with a crack barrel 12 gauge shotgun & a 9 mm pistol"

Feds say they then searched his home and found (more thread ...)

(Lonnie Coffman is accused of bringing 11 Molotov cocktails to Capitol Hill Jan 6)

After searching his home, feds allegedly recovered more liquid-filled mason jars with hole-punched lids (matching those found in Coffman's pickup truck on Cap Hill)...& another militia reference

Federal agents allegedly retrieved a list of names from Coffman's home too.

List had Coffman's alleged descriptions of those people... including references to:

An NBC host
A "Radical Dem Senator"
A "GE Obama lapdog" and others

Investigators also allege Coffman had firearm in his possession Jan 6. Judge cites that allegation in order to hold Coffman in jail

So much for the everyone was "unarmed" argument... from some politicians

Coffman has pleaded NOT GUILTY, but will remain incarcerated in the DC Jail

Judge's order says vaccines are working, so COVID-19 risks to Coffman are reduced at jail

So at the jail... in southeast DC, hundreds of miles from his Alabama home.. he will remain

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